Randy Kraus was paralyzed. His left side was useless. But his right hand was (1) enough to lift a bucket to his forehead. Once, he’d been a police officer and owned a private-eye agency. Once, he’d been strong and able. Now, he felt he was nothing.
His (2) started with Parkinson’s disease, but it didn’t (3) there. In July 2002, the 60 year old Kraus went into the hospital for an operation to control the shaking. (4) , during the operation, he had a stroke. He was paralyzed. The (5) man, who loved golf, could think, but couldn’t (6) . Kraus wanted the doctors to (7) it to him straight. "You may never walk again, " they told him. "Maybe you won’t (8) be able to talk. "
Once at home, he (9) he couldn’t lift a fork or take a drink by himself. Physical treatment was so painful and slow. What did he have to (10) for So now
A. still
B. only
C. just
D. even
A scientist who does research in
economic psychology and who wants to predict the way in which consumers will
spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must obtain data both on the
resources of consumers and on the motives that tend to encourage or discourage
money spending. If an economist were asked which of three groups borrow most -- people with rising incomes, stable incomes, or declining incomes -- he would probably answer: those with declining incomes. Actually, in the years 1947 -- 1950, the answer was: people with rising incomes. people with declining incomes were next and people with stable incomes borrowed the least. This shows us that traditional assumptions about earning and spending are not always reliable. Another traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up, they wil A. Consumers will put off buying things if they expect prices to decrease. B. Consumers will spend their money quickly if they expect prices to decrease. C. The price condition has an influence on consumer behavior. D. Traditional assumptions about earning and spending are reliable. [判断题]维护单位应定期组织应急通信演练,保证响应时间、话音与图像的通信效果,满足使用要求。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在感性负载交流电路中,采用( )方法可提高电路功率因数。
A.负载串联电 B.负载并联电 C.负载串联电容器 D.负载并联电容器 [单项选择]It______last night, because the ground is wet.
A. rain B. must rain C. must have rained D. rained [单项选择]应该保存在原始包装中的是()
A. 所有药品 B. 过期药品 C. 成人药品 D. 儿童药品 E. 大部分药物 [单项选择]关于成分输血的优点,叙述最正确的是
A. 制品容量小,有效成分的浓度和纯度高,治疗效果好 B. 使用相对安全,不良反应少 C. 减少输血相关传染病的发生 D. 综合利用,节约血液资源 E. 以上答案都正确 [单项选择]内爬升起重机除了具有塔身短、不占建筑外围空间外,还具有下列优点()。
A. 起重量大 B. 起重高度大 C. 不用信号指挥 D. 拆卸简单 [单选题]ETC入口车辆被拦截显示ETC卡片过期,属于以下哪种异常情况。
A.ETC通行有效性不通过 B.灰名单 C.黑名单 D.ETC卡片损坏 [单选题]IP SAN 区别于FC SAN以及IP SAN的主要技术是采用(65)实现异地间的数据交换。
A.I/O B.iSCSI C.InfiniBand D.Fibre Channel [单项选择][*]
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]大修后35KV以上的油浸式电压互感器一次绕组连同套管的介质损耗系数tgΔ值应为( )。
A.20℃时为1 B.20℃时为2 C.20℃时为2.5 D.20℃时为4 [多项选择]从理论上说,广告价格的构成取决于( )
A. 成本 B. 资产 C. 税金 D. 利率 E. 利润 [单选题]GB/T16311-2009中纵向实线或间断线取样核查区域划分为()。
A.在标线的起点、终点及中间位置,选取3个50m为核查区域 B.在标线的起点、终点及中间位置,选取3个100m为核查区域 C.在标线的起点、250m、中间、750m及终点位置,选取5个50m为核查区域 D.在标线的起点、250m、中间、750m及终点位置,选取5个100m为核查区域 [单项选择]稻叶型霍乱弧菌的菌体抗原成分为
A. AB型 B. AC型 C. ABC型 D. BC型 E. AD型 [多选题]对先天性心脏病的护理,下列何者不正确 ( )
A.建立合理的工作制度 B.可参加各种体育运动 C.避免受凉、防止感冒 D.少食多餐,给予高蛋白高热量易消化饮食 E.避免任何的预防措施 [单项选择]以提供基金的方式,降低发生损失成本的风险管理技术属于()。
A. 财务型风险管理技术 B. 控制型风险管理技术 C. 识别型风险管理技术 D. 评估型风险管理技术 [单选题]开放性气胸病人现场急救的首要措施是
A.吸氧、输液 B.镇静、止痛 C.清创与缝合 D.封闭胸壁伤口 E.应用抗生素 [单选题]单选题相关业务部门应会同( ),对项目开发人员进行网络安全培训,并签订网络安全承诺书。
A.安全监察部门 B.信息化运维部门 C.信息化管理部门 D.信息化建设部门" [单选题]从业人员在作业过程中,应当严格( ),遵守本单位的安全生产规章制度和操作规程,服从管理,正确佩戴和使用劳动防护用品。
A.落实岗位职责 B.落实岗位安全责任 C.落实管理制度 D.落实安全生产法律法规 [填空题]身份认证大致可以分为口令认证、 【16】 和个人特征3种认证。
[判断题]屏蔽是消除静电危害最常见的方法。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]能够较全面地反映通货膨胀状况的价格指数是( )。
A.股票价格指数 B.农产品收购价格指数 C.房屋销售价格指数 D.居民消费价格指数 我来回答: 提交