One of the most strikingly apparent
instances of extrasensory perception is the precognitive experience, when a
person has a compelling perception of a coming disaster, news of death of a
loved one, or a communication from a long-lost friend, and the predicted event
then happens. Many who have had such experiences report that the emotional
intensity of the precognition and its subsequent verification provide an
overpowering sense of contact with another realm of reality. I have had such an
experience myself. Many years ago, I awoke in the middle of night in a cold
sweat, with a certain knowledge that a close relative had suddenly died. I was
so gripped with the haunting intensity of the experience that I was afraid to
place a long-distance phone call, (for fear that the relative would trip over
the telephone cord or something and m A. some kind of disaster a person experienced in his childhood B. a vague sense that something will happen and it does happen later C. the prediction of the death of a close friend D. uncertainty about an impending accident [多选题]下列关于列尾装置规定描述正确的是( )。
A.救援列车开行时可不使用列尾装置 B.特快货物班列须按规定挂客列尾装置 C.通勤列车可不挂列尾装置 D.非图定回送客车底列车使用客列尾装置时,不发布调度命令 [判断题]成品管理员应保证包装机的稳定以避免合格证脱离编织袋,随时清理现场及时回收使用,合格证打印日期(已打信息)应与当班实际生产日期保持一致。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某税务机关对双定户纳税人在发票发售时,要求计算机同时自动完成发票的查验功能,无须操作人员手工查验,应如何处理()
A. 系统不能实现此功能 B. 通过修改全局参数“定额发票自动查验标志”来实现 C. 通过修改局部参数“定额发票自动查验标志”来实现 [判断题]行政处罚依法作出后,当事人逾期不履行的,申请人民法院强制执行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]服务机构和服务人员应有专门的商业道德准则,服务机构和服务人员必须严格遵守,一旦触犯了将受到()严肃处理。
A. 商业道德准则 B. 法律 C. 纪律 D. 企业 [多项选择]主变冷却装置在自动状态运行时,自动停运的条件有()。
A. 绕组温度低于65℃; B. 负荷电流低于额定值的75%; C. 绕组温度低于75℃; D. 负荷电流低于额定值的85%。 [单项选择]通过对市容卫生的观察,来侧面了解人们的精神风貌,属于()
A. 直接观察 B. 间接观察 C. 参与观察 D. 非参与观察 [单项选择]人物造型的基本方法是()。
A. 形象分析 B. 皮肤分析 C. 发质分析 D. 服装分析 我来回答: 提交