It has been a hundred years since the last big one in California, the 1906 San Francisco earth quake, which helped give (1) to modem earthquake science. A century later, we have a highly successful (2) , called plate tectonics, that explains why 1906-type earthquakes happen--along with why continents drift, mountains rise, and volcanoes (3) the Pacific Rim. Plate tectonics may be one of the (4) triumphs of the human mind, geology’s (5) to biology’s theory of evolution. And yet scientists still can’t say when an earthquake will happen. They can’t even come (6) .
What scientists can do right now is make good maps of fault zones and (7) out which ones are probably due (8) a rupture. And they can make forecasts. A forecast might say that, over a certain number of years, there is a certain (9) of a certain magnitude earthquake in a (10) spot. And that you should fix your house to its
A. expected
B. remained
C. welcomed
D. reserved
2010年北京市分产业能耗及变化情况 | ||||
全市 | 能源消费总量(万吨标煤) | 万元增加值能耗(吨标煤) | ||
消费量 | 增长(%) | 单耗 | 增长(%) | |
合计 | 6945.1 | 5.7 | 0.5816 | -4.04 |
笫一产业 | 103.8 | 4.8 | 1.0943 | 6.46 |
第二产业 | 2636.3 | 3.6 | 0.8263 | -8.76 |
第三产业 | 2964.9 | 7.4 | 0.3425 | -1.54 |
生活消费 | 1 A. 9798亿元 B. 11038亿元 C. 16743亿元 D. 16643亿元 [简答题]请回答针灸治疗慢性泄泻的主穴,叙述并演示其毫针操作。(10分)
[单选题]甲17岁、乙15岁,二人合伙盗窃丙人民币400元。二人系初次违反治安管理,甲被处行政拘留12日,乙被处行政拘留10日。本案中以下说法正确的是( )。
A.乙已满14周岁不满16周岁,不予处罚 B.甲已满14周岁不满18周岁,可以从轻或者减轻处罚 C.对于甲的行政拘留应当执行 D.对于乙的行政拘留应当不执行 [单项选择]
What will they do A. Have dinner in a restaurant. B. Find a place outside to cook. C. Have a simple dinner at home. [多项选择]对累犯以及因( )犯罪被判处10年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑的犯罪分子,不得假释。
A. 杀人 B. 爆炸 C. 强奸 D. 贪污 [单选题]动火作业间断或终结后,应清理现场,确认( )后,方可离开。
A.无遗留人员 B.无残留火种 C.动火作业质量 D.隔离措施状况 [多选题]消防员通过楼梯进入车库时,应控制跑动速度,( ),转弯时要减速;使用滑杆时必须依次下滑,下滑时应采用正确的动作姿势,并控制下滑速度。
A.不得越级跨跳 B.不得顺扶手下滑 C.不得推搡 D.不得在跑动中着装 [单项选择]通过角色训练增强自信心,然后将所学得的应对方式应用到实际生活情境中的行为演练方式称之为( )
A. 自我控制训练 B. 肯定性训练 C. 自我强化训练 D. 自我监督训练 [简答题]车站现金安全区域哪些?
[单选题]应用最普遍的夹紧机构有( )。
A.简单夹紧装置 B.复合夹紧装置 C.连杆机构 D.螺旋机构 [单选题]电流对人体伤害程度与电流大小有关联。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]短暂性脑缺血发作应用阿司匹林治疗的目的是()。
A. 改善神经功能的缺失 B. 保护脑细胞 C. 增加再灌注 D. 预防复发 E. 扩张血管 我来回答: 提交