Street Violinist{{/B}} I got up and dressed, stuck my violin under my jacket, and went out into the streets to try my luck. I wandered about for an hour, looking for a likely spot, feeling as though I were about to commit a crime. Then I stopped at last under a bridge near the station and decided to have a try. I felt tense and nervous. It was the first time, after all. I drew the violin from under my coat like a gun. It was here, in Southampton, with trains rattling overhead, that I was about to declare myself. One morning I was part of the hurrying crowds, the next I stood apart, my back to the wall, my hat on the pavement before me, the violin under my chin. The fist notes I played were loud and raw, like a decl A. he would became a great musician B. he would get into trouble C. people would be happy to give him money D. people would stop and listen [判断题]避雷器及密封不良的设备不宜进行带电水冲洗。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是影响初期火灾发展的最主要因素。
A.热传导 B.热对流 C.热辐射 D.热交换 [多项选择]施工图审查的主要内容包括()。
A. 建筑物的稳定性、安全性审查 B. 施工图是否达到规定的深度要求 C. 建筑设计方案是否符合建设单位要求 D. 是否符合消防、节能、环保等有关强制性标准规范 E. 是否损害公众利益 [判断题] BCC017 超声波流量计铭牌上规定有气体和环境的温度范围,使用时要严格执行要求所规定的标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]MEALYMOUTHED:
A. hungry B. indefinite C. tightlipped D. sincere E. apathetic [单项选择]In some urban centers, workaholism is so common that people do not consider it unusual. They accept the lifestyle as normal. They frequently spend many (67) hours on the job each week and often do so by choice, not by (68) .
Workaholism can be a serious problem. (69) true workaholics would rather work than do anything else, they probably don’t know how to (70) ; that is, they might not (71) movies, sports, or other types of entertainment. (72) of all, they hate to sit and do nothing. This (73) to relaxation may cause health problems such as heart attacks. (74) , typical workaholics don’t pay much attention to their families. They spend (75) time with their children, and their marriages may (76) . Is workaholism always dangerous Perhaps not. Some studies show that many workaholics have great (77) and interest in life. Their work is so (78) that they are actually very happy [单选题]脱硫脱硝正常运行的情况下,烟道吸力是( )提供的
A.脱硫脱硝引风机 B.烟囱 [单选题]某患者“见到”床上有虫爬(幻视),要求护士清理,护士此时的正确做法是:( )
A.帮助患者清除床上的虫 B.拒绝帮助或否认床上有虫 C.告诉患者目前处于病态,医护人员会帮他 D.避开话题 [判断题] 采集器故障、集中器故障可以立即进行现场更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]接诊的医生须具备何种资格?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]1.183.
当两台阻抗电压不等的变压器并联运行时, 阻抗电压大的变压器满载,阻抗电压小的变压器就要欠载。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]氨水、联氨在搬运和使用时,如漏落在地上,应立即用( )冲刷干净。
A.水 B.蒸汽 C.沙土 [多选题]3.277. 第277题
居民客户分布式光伏发电项目,380V电压等级并网验收调试申请所需资料:施工单位资质复印件、包括承装 (修、试)电力设施许可证( )。 A.主要电气设备技术参数、型式认证报告或质检证书,包括发电、逆变、变电、断路器、开关等设备 B.并网前单位工程调试报告(记录) C.并网前单位工程验收报告(记录) D.并网前设备电气试、继电保护装置整定,通信联调、电能量信息采集调试记录 [判断题]救援列车回厂,在入厂信号机前停车,与信号楼联控回厂。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The cottage ______ in the woods was built by George's great-grandparents.
A. to stand B. standing C. having stood D. being stood [多项选择]以下不属于地质灾害的是______。
A. 崩塌、地裂缝 B. 滑坡、泥石流 C. 建筑物倾斜、倒塌 D. 火车出轨、飞机失事 E. 地面塌陷、地面沉降 [单选题]透明软骨基质中纤维成分主要是
A.胶原纤维 B.弹性纤维 C.神经纤维 D.胶原原纤维 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]直埋敷设的电缆、保护管与建筑物地下基础间的最小净距离不应小于( )。( )
A.500mm B.600mm C.700mm D.800mm [单选题]使用单梯工作时,梯与地面的斜角度约为()。
A.60° B.40° C.30° D.45° E.略 F.略 [判断题]会计职业道德教育要贯彻与会计人员继续教育的始终。 ( )
A. 肋骨疲劳骨折 B. 浮肋骨折 C. 多根双断骨折 D. 多根肋骨骨折 E. 胸骨骨折 [单项选择]在经济领域,社会保障通过营造稳定的促进着经济的发展()
A. 自然环境 B. 社会环境 C. 生态环境 D. 心理环境 [单项选择]可以省力,而不能改变力的方向的滑车是()。
A. 定滑车 B. 动滑车 C. 导向滑车 D. 平衡滑车 [名词解释]栅状图
[多选题]全自动车钩的组成包括( )。
A.330型车钩 B.EFG3缓冲器 C.压溃管 D.电气连接器 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定,每节车厢垃圾箱不少于()个,与垃圾袋配套使用。
A.1.0 B.2.0 C.3.0 D.4.0 [单选题]确保信息没有非授权泄密,即确保信息不泄露给非授权的个人.实体或进程,不为其所用,是指()。
A.完整性 B.可用性 C.保密性 D.抗抵赖性 我来回答: 提交