Questions 174-177 refer to he
following article. Absenteeism is an ongoing problem in many companies, and the Stummering Corporation was no exception. Absenteeism and late arrival had been issues there for a long time, so management decided to study the problem. During the months of January through June of this year, employee absentee rates and arrival times were monitored. It was discovered that the average employee was showing up for work fifteen minutes late three times a week. In addition, the study showed that the majority of employees were missing a minimum of one day of work per month. Aside from the direct effects this situation was having on productivity, it was also creating a noticeable impact on employee morale. Management knew that this was a serious problem and that something had to be done right away. Human Resourc A. (A) Three times a week B. (B) Fifteen times a week C. (C) Three times between January and June D. (D) Fifteen times between January and June [单项选择]替牙期乳牙根吸收属于()
A. 生理性吸收 B. 病理性吸收 C. 生理性破坏 D. 病理性破坏 E. 以上都不对 [单选题]单选题
A.接线完成后显示器不亮的原因不包括 B. 显示器开关未开 C. 显示器变压器线缆未连接 D. 无信号输入 E. 电源故障 [简答题]简述组织结构与战略的关系。
A. 准确记录,避免断章取义 B. 到达新闻现场、核实新闻来源 C. 多方求证,核实新闻核心要素 D. 查找权威资料,核实具体精确事实 [单项选择]英译汉:“heat treatment”,正确的翻译为______。
A. 登革热 B. 黄热病 C. 消毒处理 D. 热处理 [单选题]调车作业要准确掌握速度,在空线上牵引运行时,不准超过( )km/hJ293。
A.15 B.30 C.40 [不定项选择题]A.甲型肝炎病毒
A.乙型肝炎病毒 B.丙型肝炎病毒 C.丁型肝炎病毒 D.戊型肝炎病毒 E.哪型肝炎病毒属缺陷病毒 [多项选择]下列各项中,应当征收印花税的项目有( )。
A. 产品加工合同 B. 法律咨询合同 C. 技术开发合同 D. 劳动合同 [单项选择]
Energy will be one of the defining issues of this century. One thing is clear: the era of (1) oil is over. What we all do next will determine how well we meet the energy needs of the entire world in this century and (2) . [单选题]应急救援行动必须做到迅速、准确和有效。应急救援的首要任务是( )。
A.抢救受害人员 B.抢救物资财物 C.控制险情 D.追责问责 [判断题]变电站一、二级动火工作票签发人应是经本单位(动火单位或设备运维管理单位)批准且公布的有关部门负责人或经本单位批准的其他人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 电焊机的外壳应可靠接地或接零,可以多台串联接地。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]大华公司将税务机关确定的应于2007年12月5日缴纳的税款20万元拖至12月15日缴纳,根据税收征收管理法律制度的规定,税务机关依法加收该公司滞纳税款的滞纳金为( )元。
A. 10000 B. 4000 C. 100 D. 1000 [单选题]CRH380A统型动车组转向架( )装置主要包括轴箱弹簧及防雪罩、垂向减振器:弹性定位节点、轮 对提吊等零部件。
A.一系悬挂 B.二系悬挂 C.接触悬挂 D.部件悬挂 [单选题]防护信号牌须清洁明亮(贴反光膜或刷反光漆),规格为宽380毫米、高300毫米,四周25毫米宽( ),面板厚度2毫米以上,底边距轨面900毫米。脱轨器要具备锁闭功能。
A.红边 B.蓝边 C.黄边 D.白边 [简答题]车轮压装时,车轴纵向中心线与车轮轮辋内侧平面相垂直。
[单选题]夜间巡视:“天窗”时间内巡视应为停电巡视,可与接触式检测、日常保养等同时进行。每( )不少于1次。夜间巡视应采用步巡。
A.月 B.季 C.半年 D.年 [单项选择]ITP行脾切除术前应输()
A. 全血 B. 红细胞 C. 血小板 D. 新鲜血浆 E. 冷沉淀 [判断题]旅客票价里程按最短径路计算。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]2M通道测试(公共卷)
A. Osler结 B. Ewart征 C. 肝脏扩张性搏动 D. DLlrozier血管杂音 E. Oliver征 [单选题]MM1中国延展研究发表在:( )
A.Lancet B.JCO C.NEJM D.Journal of Hematology & Oncology [判断题]塑性指数是粘性土液限与塑限的差值,去掉百分号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]最高人民法院管辖( )范围内( )的第一审行政案件。
A.跨省 重大、复杂 B.全国复杂 C.全国 重大、复杂 D.全国 重大 我来回答: 提交