Strange things have been happening to
England. Still (1) from the dissolution of the empire in the
years (2) World War Ⅱ, now the English find they are not even
British. As the cherished "United Kingdom" breaks into its (3)
parts, Scots are clearly (4) and the Welsh, Welsh.
But who exactly are the English What’s left of them, with everything but the
(5) half of their island taken away Going back in time to (6) roots doesn’t help. First came the Celts, then the Romans, then Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes. Invasion after invasion, until the Norman Conquest. English national identity only seemed to find its (7) later, on the shifting sands of expansionism, from Elizab A. feet B. resources C. core D. reflection [单选题]网络:网游:网瘾
A.矿山:采矿:矽肺 B.球场:球迷:暴力 C.会议:会谈:会务 D.车展:车模:车友 [多选题]《山东省生产安全事故应急办法》,生产安全事故应急工作应当遵循( )的原则。
A.以人为本 B.科学施救 C.分级负责 D.属地管理为主 E.企业负责人负责 [单项选择]偷税罪的标准之一是( )。
A. 偷税额占应纳税额的10%以上的 B. 偷税额在1万元以上的 C. 偷税数额占应纳税额10%以上并且偷税数额在1万元以上的 D. 偷税数额占应纳税额的20%以上的 [单项选择]股份有限公司设经理、副经理,由( )。
A. 股东大会选举产生 B. 监事会主席任免 C. 由董事会任免 D. 由董事长任免 [单选题]若有可靠的确认和自动记录手段,可实行()操作。
A.远方单人 B.远方 C.单人 D.程序 E./ F./ [判断题]电缆护套裸露处出现大小不一的小洞孔,这种现象是电化腐蚀的结果
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]进入曲线,执机人员要根据上下股的磨耗、轨面压溃程度调整探头位置,加大耦合水量,观察波形及B显图形
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]最易发生幽门梗阻症状的溃疡是()
A. 胃角溃疡 B. 胃窦溃疡 C. 十二指肠球部溃疡 D. 幽门管溃疡 E. 球后溃疡 [判断题]垂直的总供给曲线意味着长期而言经济能达到充分就业状态。()
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