Tides are created mainly by the pull of
the moon on the earth. The moon’s pull causes water in the oceans to be a little
deeper at a point closest to the moon and also at a point farthest from the
moon, on the opposite side of the earth. These two tidal "waves" follow the
apparent movement of the moon around the earth strike nearly every coastline at
intervals of about twelve hours and twenty-five minutes. After reaching a high
point, the water level goes down gradually for a little more than six hours and
then begins to rise A. It determines the time of high tide. B. It is about twice the pull of the moon. C. It determines the time of low tide. D. It is about half the pull of the moon. [单选题]液氮气化系统的能力是()Nm3/h.
A.250 B.650 C.520 D.100 [填空题]隐形眼镜片用的溶液()
[单选题]轴瓦与瓦座的结合面为球面时,可实现轴心位置的自动调整。( )
A. 正确 B. 错误 [单选题]一般来说,成熟度不够的烟叶烤后颜色易形成()。
A.柠檬黄 B.红棕色 C.橘黄色 D.褐色 [填空题]在相同温度下,PbSO4在稀KNO3溶液中的溶解度比在水中的溶解度();这种现象称()。
A. 膜表面免疫球蛋白分子 B. 羊红细胞受体 C. C3受体 D. IgGFc受体 E. 丝裂原受体 [多选题]生产经营单位应当关注从业人员的身体、心理状况和行为习惯,加强对从业人员的( )、( ),严格落实岗位安全生产责任,防范从业人员( )导致事故发生。
A.安全教育 B.心理疏导 C.精神慰藉 D.违章违纪 E.行为异常 [单选题]某施工招标单位对招标投标监督机构作出的处罚不服,向王律师咨询其可以采取的维权途径,王律师认为该公司只可以采取申请复议的维权途径,这种说法是()。
A.正确的,只能申请行政复议 B.不正确的,只能进行行政诉讼 C.不正确的,可以自由选择行政复议或者行政诉讼 D.不正确的,只能提起民事诉讼 我来回答: 提交