{{B}}Pushbike Peril{{/B}} Low speed bicycle crashes can badly injure —or even kill —children if they fall onto the ends of the handlebars so a team of engineers is redesigning the humble handlebar in a bid to make it safer. Kristy Arbogast, a bioengineer at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, began the project with her colleagues after a study of serious abdominal injuries in children in the past 30 years showed that more than a third were caused by bicycle accidents. "The task was to identify how the injuries occurred and came up with some countermeasures," she says. By interviewing the children and their parents, Arbogast and her team were able to reconstruct many of the accidents and identified a common mechanism responsible for serious injures. They discov A. why the children and their parents were interviewed B. when the children tom the handlebars through 90 degrees C. what causes the children to topple over D. how serious injuries occur [单选题]各种防护器具应定点存放在安全、( ),并有专人负责保管,定期校验和维护。
A.通风干燥的地方 B.便于取用的地方 [判断题]由于资本利得和再投资收益具有不确定性,投资者在作投资决策时计算的到期收益和到期收益率只是预期的收益和收益率,只有当投资期结束时才能计算实际收益和实际到期收益率。 ( )
A. 容量瓶 B. 瓷蒸发皿 C. 烧杯 D. 称量瓶 [填空题]对于小尺寸的注射模具型腔的壁厚设计应以满足型腔()条件为准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]通常NaOH含量的测定采用的试剂是()。
A. 盐酸 B. 磷酸 C. 乙酸 [单项选择]下列除哪项外均是脊柱结核的X线表现特征()
A. 相邻椎体破坏 B. 椎间隙变窄、消失、椎体融合 C. 边缘性、虫蚀样骨质破坏 D. 腰大肌影增宽,可有钙化 E. 骨赘、骨桥形成 [单项选择]某土方工程业主与施工单位签订了土方施工合同,合同约定的土方工程量为8 000m3合同工期为16天。合同约定:工程量增加20%以内为施工方应承当的工期风险。挖运工程中,因出现了较深的软弱下卧层,致使土方量增加了10 200m3,则施工方可提出的工期索赔为( )天。(结果四舍五入取整)
A. 1 B. 4 C. 17 D. 14 [多项选择]作为经营风险、在市场经济中占据重要地位的商业银行,声誉风险管理的好坏直接影响到存款人、贷款人等利益相关者和整个金融市场对商业银行的信心。加强商业银行声誉风险的有效措施包括()。
A. 商业银行应加强自身建设,构筑良好的经营管理基础 B. 商业银行应强化声誉风险管理培训 C. 商业银行应善用各种渠道,将自身的良好信用适时客观地展现于公众 D. 商业银行应及时寻求中央银行的帮助 E. 商业银行应在问题发生时,及时消除公众的猜疑和不满,避免负面报道或传闻对业务和经营管理产生不利影响 [单选题] 不是以卷烟销售情况为依据来划分的是( )。
A.无人问津类 B.紧俏品类 C.顺销品类 D.滞销品类 [填空题]回送客车底列车的自动制动机简略试验,无法使用客车列尾装置时,图定回送客车底列车由车辆乘务员负责,非图定回送客车底列车由( )负责。
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