A.青霉素G | B.青霉素V |
C.甲氧西林 | D.阿莫西林 |
E.哌拉西林 |
It is evident that there is a close
connection between the capacity to use language and the capacities covered by
the verb" to think". Indeed, me writers have identified thinking with
using words: Plato coined the saying, "In thinking the soul is talking to
itself"; J.B. Watson reduced thinking to inhibited speech located in the minute
movements or tensions of the physiological mechanisms involved in speaking; and
although Ryle is careful to point out that there are many senses in which a
person is said to think in which words are not in evidence, he has also said
that saying something in a specific frame of mind is thinking a
thought. Is thinking reducible A. In thinking the soul is talking to itself. B. Thinking is closely related to the capacity to use language. C. Thinking is not necessarily closely related to the capacity of using language. D. Thinking and using language are two different processes. [单项选择]在赫尔巴特看来,教育与教学的关系是( )
A. 分而治之 B. 教育先于教学 C. 教学先于教育 D. 教育性教学 [多选题]总队指挥中心在市应急联动中心的灭火救援处置专线号码有( )。
A.22022119 B.22022626 C.22022624 D.28955080 [单项选择]有条件贷款承诺函、贷款意向书的有效期自出具之日起最长不超过()。
A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 3年 D. 5年 [判断题]根据《中国农业发展银行农业农村基础设施固定资产贷款管理办法》,贷款调查评估中应重点关注担保的真实性、合法性、有效性、足值性、可实现性。保证人、抵(质)押品应符合农发行贷款担保管理有关规定;测算保证担保能力时,应剔除保证人的公益性资产和对借款人的股权出资。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]可选性曲线可以确定一定产率时精煤实际灰分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]定性研究方法常用于()。
A. 推断事物的总体特征 B. 研究事物的结果 C. 快速评估 D. 检验问卷的信度与效度 E. 样本量较大时 [多项选择]二十世纪三十年代,在粤剧舞台上出现了“薛马争雄”的景象。“薛马”就是指当时两位著名的粤剧表演艺术家:()和()。
A. 薛觉先 B. 薛觉明 C. 马师曾 D. 新马师曾 [判断题]投入运行的断路器已有运行编号后,一般可不再标注断路器名称。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]闸门的吊耳及承重构件应列为重点安全检查部位,发现缺陷,禁止进行闸门的启闭操作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]生态工程主要以()复合生态系统为对象。
A. 社会-人文-思想 B. 政治-人文-自然 C. 社会-经济-自然 D. 政治-经济-思想 [单选题]线路设备修理实行( )制度,铁路局集团公司应安排足够数量的天窗,以满足线路设质量的需求。
A.天窗修 B.点外修 C.按实际情况制定 我来回答: 提交