One of the greatest mysteries of the
world, for ’which scientist have so far been unable to find any satisfactory
explanation, is the Bermuda Triangle, sometime called "the Graveyard of the
Atlantic." This is an area of the western Atlantic between Bermuda and Florida,
roughly triangular in shape where since 1945 at least a hundred ships and planes
and over a thousand people have disappeared. No wreckage had been found, no
bodies, lifebelts or any other evidence of disater. It is as if these planes,
ships and people had never existed. In some cases a routine radio message has
been received from aircraft reporting everything in order a few minutes before
all contact was lost, in others a weak S. O. S message has been picked up and,
in perfect weather, inexplic A. trying to locate missing plane B. trying to rescue a plane in trouble C. on a special mission on a normal flight D. on a normal flight [单项选择]发动机燃烧室的型式是:()
A. 环形 B. 分管形 C. 环管形 D. 以上都不对 [单项选择]确定病灶对应于体表的位置称()。
A. 定点 B. 定位 C. 定层 D. 取层 E. 层深 [判断题] 助理值班员发车时,应眼看、手指出站信号机,确认开放正确后,口呼:"×道出站信号好了"。( ) (应知应会-《接发列车作业标准》)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]直行程调节阀安装在工艺管道上的最佳位置是( )。
A.水平 B.垂直 C.任意 [填空题]顶峰式要求()、()尽量伸展,下巴微收。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [多选题]电气设备的接地装置按作用,一般可分为( )。
A.保护接地 B.工作接地 C.重复接地 D.防雷接地 [单选题]抢救羊水栓塞的首要措施是
A.纠正DIC及继发性纤溶 B.纠正呼吸循环衰竭 C.纠正肾衰竭 D.立即终止妊娠 E.切除子宫 [简答题]G71、G72、G73指令的应用场合有何不同?
[单选题] 绕组温度计应具备输入()的独立变流器。
A.O.5A~2A B.O.5A~5A C.1A D.2A [单选题]当进行停电作业时,在电压等级为27.5kV无防护栅的情况下,设备的带电部分距作业人员小于()mm均须停电。
A.1500 B.1000 C.700 D.2500 [填空题]砍伐古树名木的,处以10000元以上()元以下罚款,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
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