Halfway through" The Rebel Sell," the authors pause to make fun of" free-range" chicken. Paying over the odds to ensure that dinner was not, in a previous life, confined to tiny cages is all well and good. But" a free-range chicken is about as plausible as a sun-loving earth-worm": given a choice, chickens prefer to curl up in a nice dark corner of the barn. Only about 15% of" free-range" chickens actually use the space available to them.
This is just one case in which Joseph Heath, who teaches philosophy at the University of Toronto, and Andrew Potter, a journalist and researcher based in Montreal, find fault with well-meaning but, in their view, ultimately naive consumers who hope to distance themselves from consumerism by buying their shoes from Mother Jones magazine instead of Nike. Mr Heath and Mr Potter argue that" the counterculture," in all its attempts to be subversive, has done nothing more than create new segmen
A. organize.
B. favor.
C. shun.
D. encourage.
{{B}}Text{{/B}} Sometimes, people{{U}} (9) {{/U}}your life and you realize that they are there{{U}} (10) {{/U}}some purpose, to{{U}} (11) {{/U}}you a lesson, or to help you{{U}} (12) {{/U}}who you are or who you want to become. You’ d never know who these people{{U}} (13) {{/U}}be, your friend, your classmate, your neighbor, your co-worker, your teacher, or{{U}} (14) {{/U}}a stranger, but they will deeply{{U}} (15) {{/U}}your life in some way. And sometimes things{{U}} (16) {{/U}}to you that may seem{{U}} (17) {{/U}}, painful and horrible at first, but {{U}} (18) {{/U}}, you realize that without{{U}} (19) {{/U}}those difficulties you would never know your strength, {{U}} (20) {{/U}}or potential. Everything happens for a{{U}} (21) {{/U}}. A. opportunity B. chance C. incidence D. occurrence [单项选择]债券的成本可以看做( )。
A. 使投资者预期未来现金流量(利息和本金收入)的终值与目前债券的市场价格相等的一个折旧率 B. 使投资者预期未来现金流量(利息和本金收入)的现值与目前债券的市场价格相等的一个折旧率 C. 使投资者预期未来现金流量(利息和本金收入)的终值大于目前债券市场价格的一个折旧率 D. 使投资者预期未来现金流量(利息和本金收入)的现值大于目前债券市场价格的一个折旧率 [单项选择]未严格执行银行卡积分奖励上报备案制度的,情节严重的,给予()处分
A. 经济处罚 B. 记过 C. 记大过 D. 开除 [单选题]防爆电气设备(包括五小)无____为不完好。
A.防爆标志Ex B.煤安标志MA C.设备“铭牌” D.防爆检查合格证 [单选题]土的含水率24.1%,比重2.72,重度18.8KN/m3,它的饱和度为( )。
A.85.2% B. 82.5% C. 81.3% D.81.5% [判断题]预报、确报有变化时,驻站联络员应向现场防护员发出变更通知。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]急性筋伤病理变化的三期划分及发展演变规律是什么?
[判断题]汽轮机冷态启动定速并网后加负荷阶段容易出现负胀差。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.以下四种通信传输媒体中传输速度最快的是()。
A.A、微波 B.B、通信卫星 C.C、光纤 D.D、同轴电缆 [单项选择]钻井液密度过低容易发生()、缩径、卡钻等事故。
A. 井喷、井塌 B. 井喷、井漏 C. 井塌、井漏 D. 井漏、沉砂卡钻 [单项选择]1931年1月至1935年1月的第三次“左”倾教条主义错误的代表是()
A. 瞿秋白 B. 李立三 C. 王明 D. 张国焘 [多选题]化学品及企业标识主要标明()邮编、电话、传真等信息。(难)
A.化学品名称 B.生产企业名称 C.地址 D.应急电话 我来回答: 提交