Even before Historian Joseph Ellis
became a best-selling author, he was famous for his vivid lectures. In his
popular courses at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, he would often make
classroom discussion lively by describing his own combat experience in Vietnam.
But as Ellis’s reputation grew--his books on the Founding Fathers have won both
the prestigious National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize--the history
professor began to entertain local and national reporters with his memories of
war. Last year, after The Boston Globe carried accounts of Ellis’s experience in
the Vietnam war, someone who knew the truth about Ellis dropped a dime (揭发) .
Last week The Boston Globe revealed that Ellis, famous for explaining the
nation’s history, had some explaining to do about his own past. "Even in the best of lives, mistakes are A. take pride in their weaknesses B. feel weak in their hearts C. think nothing of others D. look weak to others [填空题]3 号喷气燃料的馏程试验中,冷凝管温度为( )℃。
A. 易溶于水的药物 B. 药物的水溶液 C. 酊剂 D. 有不良口感的药物 E. 易风化的药物 [判断题]《国家电网公司关于印发生产现场作业“十不干”的通知》规定:有限空间内气体含量未经检测但未闻到刺激性气味的可以干。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]年运量小于15Mt的线路更换钢轨时应使用再用轨。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]听神经瘤的MRI表现有哪些?
[单项选择]Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A. The War of the Stars. B. The War of the Worlds. C. The War of the Mars. D. The War of the Earth. [判断题]应用BIM施工模型,精确高效计算工程量,进而辅助工程预算的编制。
[单选题]变压器油温表测量的温度是指( )
A.上层油的平均温度 B.中层油温 C.绕组温度 D.铁芯温度 [单选题] 若[X]补=1.1011 ,则X的真值是( )。
A.-0.1011 B.-0.0101 C.0.1011 D.0.0101 [单项选择]导线点属于平面控制点,而()属于高程控制点。
A. 三角点; B. 水准点; C. 导线点; D. 三角高程点。 [判断题] 训练结束后, 通过观察、沟通交流,掌握参训人员状态反应,了解掌握训练强度,作为以后确定人员训练量的参考依据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]每年的10月各大高校都会推选免试研究生,某高校规定,只有在全系成绩排在前十名的学生才有资格做免试生的候选人,而如果想要推选免试成功,则必须要自己去联系导师。但是这并不意味着所有联系到导师的人都会推免成功,只有综合考查全系排名前五名的人才能推免成功。根据以上信息,下列结论正确的是:( )
A.成绩排在全系前十名的学生都能够推免成功 B.推免成功的研究生综合考查全系排名一定在前五名 C.联系到导师的人都能够推免成功 D.成绩排名全系第十名的学生一定不能推免成功 我来回答: 提交