Britain’s undeclared general election
campaign has already seen the politicians trading numbers as boxers trade
punches. There is nothing new in such statistical slanging matches (相互谩骂). What
is new is an underestimation of worry about what has been happening to official
statistics under the Labour government. One of the most important figures for Gordon Brown when presenting his pre-election budget on March 16th was the current-budget balance. This is the gap between current revenues and current spending. It matters to the chancellor of the exchequer(财政部长) because he is committed to meeting his own "golden rule" of borrowing only to invest, so he has to ensure that the current budget is in balance or surplus over the economic cycle. Mr. Brown told MPs that he would meet the golden rule for the current cycle with & 6 billion ( A. confident. B. incredulous. C. optimistic. D. critical [单选题]建筑施工企业安全生产管理机构专职安全生产管理人员的配备应满足下列要求.并应根据企业经营规模、设备管理和生产需要予以增加:建筑施工总承包资质序列企业:特级资质不少于( )人;一级资质不少于4人;二级和二级以下资质企业不少于3人.
A.6 B.5 C.7 D.8 [单选题] 单位或个人以其他有资质的施工单位的名义,承揽工程的行为是( )。
A. 违法发包 B. 违法分包 C. 转包 D. 挂靠 [单项选择][听力原文] 汉族女性中最开始穿旗袍的是什么人?()
A. 学生 B. 明星 C. 职员 D. 太太 [单选题]液化石油气处置过程中倒罐、转移必须在( )的掩护下进行,以确保安全。
A.喷雾水枪 B.消防水炮 C.泡沫枪 D.直流水枪 [单选题]铣刀每转过一个刀齿,工件相对铣刀所移动的距离称为
A.每齿进给量 B.每转进给量 C.每分钟进给量 D.每小时进给量 [单选题]依据《石油化工设计防火规范》,可燃液体地上立式储罐控制阀应设在防火堤外,并距被保护罐壁不宜小于( )m。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [多选题]云网通由以下几种组成
A.云专线 B.行业云 C.私有云 D.数字电路 [多项选择]战略失效按出现在实施过程中的时间划分()
A. 早期失效 B. 中期失效 C. 偶然失效 D. 晚期失效 [单选题]促进子宫内膜腺体分泌的是( )。
A.雌激素 B.孕激素 C.肾上腺激素 D.生长激素 E.糖皮质激素 [多选题]保护环境是关爱社会的善举,结合电网企业的职业特点,应该做到( )。
A.善待自然: B.净化环境: C.珍惜资源: D.减少污染。 [单选题]当悬挑式操作平台安装时,钢丝绳应采用专用的卡环连接,钢丝绳卡数量应与钢丝绳直径相匹配,且不得少于( )个。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 我来回答: 提交