So now you may be asking what is the
difference between green tea and the black tea you are used to drinking. Both
teas come from the same plant; the difference is the way the different teas are
processed. The green tea is not fermented (发酵) before it has been dried. Because
of the shorter processing time the green tea has a lighter flavor than the black
tea. Green tea is good for you because the processing keeps all the beneficial
elements left in the tea. Green tea doesn’t taste anything like the tea you usually drink. Most green tea drinkers do not add milk or sugar, but you can ff you like. Green tea has been described as having a light, fresh, green flavor. Some of the various green teas have just a little sweetness taste to them. Others are a little more astringent(涩味的). There are several different varieties of A. must be boiled B. has no difference as to black tea C. should be a bit cooler than boiling D. has no special requests [单项选择]下列属于理学检查的是
A. 超声 B. 病理切片 C. 腱反射 D. 化验检查 E. X线片 [单选题]肺上界叩诊,是从哪块肌肉的前缘中央部开始叩诊
A.A:胸锁乳头肌 B.B:斜方肌 C.C:背阔肌 D.D:胸大肌 E.E:肋间肌 [判断题]MT-2型缓冲器主系弹簧刚度较小。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使飞机绕纵轴产生侧倾的力矩称为
A.俯仰力矩 B.偏航力矩 C.滚转力矩。 [单项选择]RIP协议比较适合应用的互联网规模为______。
A. 小型到中型 B. 中型到大型 C. 大型到特大型 D. 都可以 [单项选择]MS_SQL SERVER是( )。
A. 数据库 B. 数据库系统 C. 数据处理系统 D. 数据库管理系统 [单项选择] Sociology is defined as the study of human groups. In the broadest sense, sociology is concerned with understanding patterns of human relationships, their causes and their effects. Unlike psychology, sociology does not attempt to explain the behavior of a particular individual under certain circumstances. Rather, sociology focuses on social trends or other influences that affect whole groups or categories of people. Thus, while a psychologist might counsel an individual who feels worthless after retiring from a long and successful career, a sociologist would be more likely to examine societal attitudes that may contribute to the loss of self-esteem experienced by many retired persons in our society.
The emphasis that sociology places on human groups rather than individuals stems directly from the work of Emile Durkheim, a pioneering sociologist of the nineteenth century. Durkheim likened the nature of a social group to bronze, a unique metal that is formed when the metals tin, c
A. a social group has characteristics that differ from those of its individual members B. social groups are made up of three major component parts acting together C. each social group is a unique entity that is unlike any other social group D. social groups are extremely difficult to break apart once they have been formed [单项选择]当前,我国石油人均资源量仅为世界平均水平的( )。
A. 6.6% B. 7.1% C. 7.8% D. 7.7% 我来回答: 提交