It was probably around 3,000 years ago
that people first began making things to help them measure the passage of time.
Having noticed that shadows move around trees as the sun moves across the sky,
someone drew a circle and put a stick in the center. As the sun passed overhead,
people could tell which part of the day it was by noticing which mark on the
circle the shadow fell across. These circles were called "sundials". latter,
they were made of stone and metal to last longer. Of course, a sundial did not work at night or on cloudy days, so men kept inventing other ways to keep track of time. After glass blowing was invented, the hourglass came into use. An hourglass is a glass container for measuring time in which sand moves slowly from the top half to the bottom in exactly one hour. The hourglass is turned over every hour so th A. the shadow of the sun B. the circle on the ground C. a tool to carry stones D. a timekeeper [单项选择]静子是汽轮发电机组安装中最重要的部件,—起吊前,要制订()以确保起吊和安装就位顺利成功。
A. 工作计划和工艺步骤 B. 吊装方案和安全措施 C. 工作纪律和指挥信号 D. 起吊步骤和技术措施 [单选题]党的十九大报告指出,经过长期努力,中国特色社会主义进入了( ),这是我国发展新的历史方位
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A.检修车恢复成运用车 B.运用车转变为检修回送车 C.检修回送车转变为运用车 D.运用车转变为检修车 [单选题]某中学教学楼为6层,各层均为敞开式外廊,该建筑应采用 。
A.室外楼梯 B.封闭楼梯 C.敞开楼梯 D.防火楼梯 [单选题]欧洲共同体成立时的西欧6个成员国是( )。
A.英、法、德、意、荷、比 B.英、法、德、意、比、卢 C.英、法、德、荷、比、卢 D.法、德、意、荷、比、卢 [单选题]断路器失灵保护与母差保护共用出口回路时,闭锁元件的灵敏度应按( )的要求整定。
A.失灵保护 B.母差保护 C.母线上所有元件保护 D.母联保护 我来回答: 提交