Passage 4 One reaction to all the concern about tropical deforestation is a blank stare that asks the question, "Since I don’t live in the tropics, what does it have to do with me" The answer is that your way of life, wherever you live in the world, is tied to the tropics in many ways. If you live in a house, wash your hair, eat fruit and vegetables, drink soda, or drive a car, you can be certain that you are affected by the loss of tropical’ forests. Biologically, we are losing the richest regions on earth when, each minute, a piece of tropical forest the size of ten city blocks vanishes. As many as five million species of plants, animals and insects, 40 to 50 percent of all living things, live there, and are being irrevocably lost faster than they can be found and described. Their loss is incalculable. Take medicine, for example. Less than one perce A. will continue relentlessly and cannot be prevented B. may have critical consequences for the survival of mankind C. is not a really serious problem and reports have been widely exaggerated D. is necessary for the economic development of non-industrialized countries [多项选择]王某与该公司签订合同经历了两个阶段( )。
A. 自荐 B. 面试 C. 要约 D. 承诺 [判断题]安检员发现乘客携带疑似枪支的物品,立即大声震慑“乘客疑似携带枪支,请配合再次接受安全检查!”
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]
“凤凰涅槃、腾笼换鸟,继续起到领头雁、火车头的作用”,这是党中央对加快山东率先发展的厚望。某校高三(1)班学生围绕“加快山东率先发展”开展研究性学习,搜集到以下材料和问题,请你参与研究。 [单选题]在进行开关柜停电操作时,停电前应首先检查()指示正常,证明其完好性。
A.保护装置 B.备自投装置 C.带电显示装置 D.电压并列装置 [单项选择]Some people think it's ______ to smoke with a cigarette holder,
A. flexible B. sophisticated C. versatile D. productive [单选题]自秦统一以来,两千多年的中国历史上,一姓制封建政权不 断_。造成这种“皇帝轮流做”的政治局面的社会原因固然很多,但老百姓的吃饭问题解决得好坏却一直是影响 政治天平的_砝码。
依次填人画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.更替关键性 B.更迭决定性 C.颠覆根本性 D.交替综合性 [简答题]简述个人健康保险保单中常见的续保条款。
[单选题]在水力学中,通常把流体质点的运动轨迹称为( )。
A.流线 B.迹线 C.色线 D.脉线 [判断题]计量、测温和取样作业完后,要盖好作业孔,用棉纱(布)擦净器具,禁止使用化纤物。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交