男性,38岁,因骑跨伤致排尿困难,尿道流血而入院 |
"I ask you to drink to his health as a
young man full the spirit of adventure who has lit up the world with a flash of
courage." With these words, the British Minister of Air turned and raised his
glass to the young man who sat beside him—a young man who, only a month before,
was completely unknown. Yet, on that summer day in 1927 his name was on the
world’s lips — Charles Lindbergh, the first man to fly the Atlantic
alone. He had been an air mail pilot, flying back and forth between Chicago and the city of St. Louis. Determined to win the $25,000 prize offered by a fellow American for the first flight from New York to Paris, Lindbergh had persuaded a group of St. Louis businessmen to finance the building of a special plane for him. The news that Lindbergh intended to fly the Atlantic alone was received with disbeli A. People were doubtful about the news. B. Nobody suspected him to be a fool. C. Lindbergh refused to apply for insurance, D. No one believed that the plane had only one engine. [单选题]( )应全过程掌握作业者作业期间情况,保证在有限空间外持续监护,能够与作业者进行有效的操作作业、报警、撤离等信息沟通。
A.作业人员 B.许可人 C.监护者 D. E.略 F.略 [单项选择]抢救新生儿窒息的首要措施是
A. 给氧 B. 人工呼吸 C. 呼吸中枢兴奋药 D. 清理呼吸道 E. 气管插管 [单项选择]
A. without B. with C. from D. through [简答题]酵母泥的感官品评方法?
[多选题]燃烧是一种氧化还原反应,一般伴有( )等基本特征表明它不同于一般的氧化还原反应。(易)
A. 放热 B. 发光 C.发烟 D.火焰 [多项选择]工作前正确检查跳汰机的项目包括()。
A. 检查机壳有无漏水,衬板磨损是否严重,隔板有无断裂 B. 检查筛板有无磨损,是否堵塞,定期清理跳汰床层 C. 固定筛板有螺栓是否紧固,压筛木安装是否牢固 D. 检查排料闸门有无不灵或调整困难的情况 [单项选择]所谓的脑组织坏死的病理学特征是()。
A. 凝固性坏死 B. 干酪样坏死 C. 蜡样坏死 D. 液化性坏死 E. 以上都不是 [单项选择]战国时期,学术思想领域出现的“百家争鸣”()
A. 使儒家学说引领学术潮流 B. 与学术下移同步进行 C. 普遍重视礼乐的规范作用 D. 导致中国社会的分裂动荡 [简答题]简述向客户介绍基本安葬礼仪的方法。
[判断题]潜水员可使用水面供气式空气潜水装具最大下潜至120米深度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《广西电网有限责任公司应急联动管理业务指导书》5.1.2规定:各级单位需要在( )、( )、( )之间推动建立全面的联动机制,共同应对和处置大面积停电所造成的各类事件,降低事件带来的影响。
A.电网企业内部 B.政府内部 C.政企 D.电力企业与重要客户 [填空题]润滑油的主要作用是( )和( )。
[多选题]王某教唆李某从窗外开枪射击杀死屋内的黄某,但李某把黄某花了10多万元买来的蜡像当成黄某,开了十几枪,导致蜡像完全毁损。以下说法对的是( )。
A.王某和李某成立共同犯罪 B.王某是故意杀人罪的教唆犯 C.李某构成故意杀人罪和故意毁坏财物罪,数罪并罚 D.王某和李某属于故意杀人未遂 我来回答: 提交