Common Problems, Common Solutions{{/B}} The chances are that you made up your mind about smoking a long time ago--and decided it’s not for you. The chances are equally good that you know a lot of smokers--there are, after all about 60 million of them, work with them, and get along with them very well. And finally it’s a pretty safe bet that you’re open-minded and interested in all the various issues about smokers and nonsmokers--or you wouldn’t be reading this. And those three things make you incredibly important today. Because they mean that yours is the voice--not the smoker’s and not the anti-smoker’s-- that will determine how much of society’s efforts should go into building walls that separate us and how much into the search for solutions that bring us together. For one A. to separate people from people B. to work together in mutual accommodation C. to make us more keenly aware of choice D. to serve society’s interests better [判断题]《金税三期》中社会保险费核定数据撤销只能对单户进行撤销。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]空调制冷模式下存在异响,通风模式下没有异响,异响可能来自( )
A.冷凝风机 B.通风机 C.压缩机 D.风道 [判断题]《水运工程质量检验标准》符合国家标准的生活饮用水,拌制混凝土不需要进行检验。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]共用题干
1. The word “ecosystem” is short for ecological(生态的)system. An ecosystem is where living creatures expand within a given area. You can say that an ecosystem is the natural environment where biological organisms(生物)such as plants,animals and humans co-exist in this world. So naturally that includes you and me. Yes,we are all members of an ecosystem! 2 .There are different kinds of ecosystems depending on the type of surface or environ-ment. Most are naturally made such as the ocean or lake and the desert or rainforest.Some are man-made or artificial to encourage co-habitation(同居)between living and non-living things in a monitored environment,such as a zoo or garden. 3 .Plants make up the biggest group of biological creatures within an ecosystem,and that's because they are the natural food producers for everyone. Plants raised in the earth need air and collect sunlight to help them grow. When they grow,the plants and its fruits or flowers eventually become a source of food to animals,microorganisms(微生物)and even hu- mans,of course. Food is then converted to energy for the rest of us to function,and this hap-pens in a never-ending cycle until the living creatures die and break up back in the earth. 4 .Ecosystems are the basis of survival for all living things.We depend on plants and ani-mals for food. In order for us to exist,we need to grow and care about other organisms. We also need to care for the non-living things within our environment like our air and water so we can continue living as a population. Since plants,animals and humans are all of various species(物种),we all play a role in maintaining the ecosystem. 5 .To preserve our ecosystems,we should stop using too much energy,which happens when we consume more than our share of resources. Humans should not disturb the natural habitat(栖息地)of plants and animals,and allow them to grow healthily for the cycle to con-tinue. Too many people in a habitat can mean displacement(搬迁): imagine being thrown out of your home because there is no more space for everyone. Worse,overpopulation can also ru- in the environment and cause destruction of existing plants and animals. Paragraph 4_________ A.What Can We Do to Help Protect Ecosystems? B.What Are Different types of Ecosystems? C.What Is an Ecosystem? D.What Destroys Ecosystems? E.How Does an Ecosystem Work? F.Why Are Ecosystems Emportant? [单选题]在瓦斯防治工作中,矿井必须从采掘安全生产管理上采取措施,防止( )。
A.瓦斯积聚超限 B.瓦斯生成 C.瓦斯涌出 D.瓦斯突出 [判断题]未签订相关保密协议,可能导致在出现信息泄露事件后,与外包公司产生的法律纠纷。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]调度集中系统原则上应将同一调度区段内、同一联锁控制范围内所有车站(车场、线路所)的信号、联锁、闭塞设备纳入控制范围。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在填写不需要变更安全措施下增加的工作内容,工作票签发人不在现场时,可由( )征得工作票签发人同意后代签。若( )或工作票签发人认为有必要,应履行双签发手续,并在备注栏中办理会签手续。
A.工作负责人、工作负责人 B.工作许可人、工作许可人 C.工作负责人、工作许可人 D.工作许可人、工作负责人 [单选题]绝缘杆带电作业法,操作复杂、工效( )
A.一般 B.很高 C.较高 D.较低 [单项选择]A. She tries to telephone her manager. B. She decided to meet her manager later.
C. She went to the manager’s office. D. She recorded her manager’s telephone talk. [单选题]1.60.
根据Q/GDW 1374.2-2013 集中抄表终端技术规范,集中器应能保存最近( )条事件记录。 A.100 B.300 C.500 D.1000 [简答题]280061.供电局以380/220V供电给居民张、王、李三客户。2000年5月20日,因公用变压器中性线断落导致张、王、李三家家用电器损坏。26日供电局在收到张、王两家投诉后,分别进行了调查,发现在这一事故中张、王、李三家分别损坏电视机、电冰箱、电热水器各一台,且均不可修复。用户出具的购货票表明:张家电视机原价3000元,已使用了5年;王家电冰箱购价2500元,已使用6年;李家热水器购价2000元,已使用2年。请分析供电局是否应向客户赔偿。如赔,怎样赔付。---张家及时投诉,应赔偿。赔偿人民币3000×(1-5/10)=1500元;---王家及时投诉,应赔偿。赔偿人民币2500×(1-6/12)=1250元;---因供电部门在事发7日内未收到李家投诉,视为其放弃索赔权,不予赔偿。
[单选题]留置胸膜腔闭式引流管的病人出现引流管脱出,首先要( )
A.给病人吸氧 B.立即报告医生 C.急送手术室处理 D.把脱出的引流管重新插入 E.用无菌凡士林纱布、厚层纱布封闭引流 [单项选择]患者,男性,25岁,病毒性呼吸道感染后四天发现肉眼血尿,无皮疹与水肿,应首先怀疑()
A. 急性肾小球肾炎 B. IgA肾病 C. 过敏性紫癜肾损害 D. 肺肾综合征 E. 传染性单核细胞增多症 [判断题]《10kV-500kV输变电设备交接试验规程》中要求,SF6气体年漏气率不大于0.5%。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 食品雕刻刀正确的携带方法是( )。
A. 放在胸口口袋中 B.放在裤子侧面的口袋中 C.放在专业的雕刻包中携带 [单项选择]与MRI比较,CT显示以下哪一种病变较好()
A. 脊髓水肿 B. 后纵韧带钙化 C. 脊髓受压 D. 后纵韧带撕裂 E. 骨髓水肿 [判断题]接发列车时,车站值班员、助理值班员应认真执行车机联控标准。
[多选题]作业前,为避免危险能量和物料意外释放可能导致的危害,应辨识作业区域内( )所有的危险能量和物料的来源及类型,并确认有效隔离点。
A.设备 B.系统 C.环境 D.人员 [单选题]关于作业许可审批人说法正确的是( )。
A.A、作业时间发生变化,可以不通知作业审批; B. B、必须到现场确认作业安全条件,落实风险管控措施; C.C、在办公室签发作业许可证; D.D、随意落实作业全程视频监控 [单项选择]为了保护亚胺培南,防止其在肾中破坏,应与其配伍的药物是
A. 克拉维酸 B. 舒巴坦 C. 他唑巴坦 D. 西司他丁 E. 苯甲酰氨基丙酸 [简答题]职业危害在煤矿的表现主要有哪些?
[单选题]隧道的漏水水源有地表水、和( )两种。
A.岩层集水 B.地下水 C.地下溶洞 D.潜流 [单选题]80 km/h<υmax≤120 km/h正线地段,调节器轨距静态几何不平顺临时补修容许偏差管理值为()mm。
A.+4,-2 B.+5,-2 C.+5,-3 D.+6,-3 [单项选择]洋地黄的禁忌证是()
A. 右心衰竭 B. 舒张性心力衰竭 C. 无症状心力衰竭 D. 单纯二尖瓣狭窄伴窦性心律 E. 已经使用大剂量β受体阻滞剂者 我来回答: 提交