Deflation is an economic theory
relating changes in the price levels to changes in the quantity of money. In its
developed (1) , it constitutes an analysis of the
(2) underlying inflation and deflation. As (3)
by the English philosopher John Locke in the 17th century, the
Scottish (4) David Hume in the 18th century, and
(5) , it was a weapon (6) the
mercantilists, who were thought to equate wealth with money. If the (7)
of money by a nation merely raised (8) , argued
the quantity theorists, then a "favourable" balance of trade, (9)
desired by mercantilists, would increase the supply of money but
would not in-crease (10) . In the 19th century the A. others B. the other C. another D. other [多项选择]下列关于动态投资回收期说法正确的是( )。
A. 动态投资回收期能反映投资回收之后的情况 B. 当ic=IRR时,动态投资回收期等于项目寿命周期 C. 动态投资回收期法与IRR法在方案评价方面是等价的 D. 一般情况下,动态投资回收期小于项目寿命周期,则必有ic>IRR E. 动态投资回收期是累计现值等于零时的年份 [多选题]产品目标客户信息是产品的销售对象,包括( )。
A.客户赎回权 B.客户风险承受能力 C.客户资产规模 D.产品发行地区 E.最小递增金额 [单项选择]If negotiations for the new trade agreement take _________ , serious food shortage will develop in several countries.
A. too much longer B. the longest C. much too long D. the longer [单项选择]甲亢病人手术中体温达40.2,心率130次/分,大汗,极度烦躁,首先应考虑( )
A. 感染性休克 B. 心力衰竭 C. 甲亢危象 D. 急性肾上腺功能减退 E. 嗜铬细胞瘤高血压危象 [判断题]保证最低收益理财产品与保证固定收益理财产品的不同点在于,投资者在最低收益之外可以参与超额收益的分配,因此理财文件中约定的最低收益率可能会低于同期银行存款利率。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]有毒区域是指通过燃烧能产生有毒物质的区域。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是人民警察的象征和标志。 (1分)
A.警衔 B.警歌 C.警徽 D.警服 [单选题]我国有“礼仪之邦”、“协和万邦”、“德莫大于和”的文化传统,历史上有联欧亚,开辟丝绸之路;郑和下西洋;历万难,玄奘印度取经;为传经,鉴真东渡扶桑等友好交往的典型事例。这些都反映了中华民族的( )
A.勤劳勇敢精神 B.热爱和平精神 C.团结统一精神 D.自强不息精神 [单选题]强制驱动电梯的轿厢从顶层向上直到撞击上缓冲器时的行程最小不应小于( )m,轿厢上行至缓冲器行程的极限位置时应一直处于有导向状态。
A.0.50; B.0.80; C.1.40; D.1.80 [单选题]子宫肌瘤介入治疗术后观察穿刺点不包括( )
A..侧肢体远端皮温 B..感觉 C..足背动脉搏动 D..体温 我来回答: 提交