Passage 3 Plain and simple, stock is a share in the ownership of a company. Stock represents a claim on the company’s assets and earnings. As you acquire more stock, your ownership stake in the company becomes greater. Whether you say shares, equity, or stock, it all means the same thing. Holding a company’s stock means that you are one of the many owners (shareholders) of a company, and, as such, you have a claim (albeit usually very small) to everything the company owns. Yes, this means that technically you own a tiny sliver of every piece of furniture, every trademark, and every contract of the company. As an owner, you are entitled to your share of the company’s earnings as well as any voting rights attached to the stock. A stock is represented by a stock certificate. This is a fancy piece of paper that is proof of your A. you have a say in the daily management of the company B. you become a member of the board of directors C. you have one vote per share to elect the board of directors D. you can air your view on how to run the company [单选题]HXN3型内燃机车喷油泵被布置在缸头上部右角并直接受()的驱动。
A.推杆 B.摇臂 C.凸轮轴 [简答题]扩张型心肌病病因?
A.确认工作票上所列安全措施正确完备 B.检查工作票所列安全措施是否正确完备,是否符合现场实际条件,必要时予以补充完善 C.监督工作班成员遵守本规程、正确使用劳动防护用品和安全工器具以及执行现场安全措施 D.监督被监护人员遵守本规程和执行现场安全措施,及时纠正被监护人员的不安全行为 [单选题]在测定沥青的延度和针入度时,需保持以下条件恒定( )。
A.室内温度 B.沥青试样的温度 C.试件质量 D.试件的养护条件 [判断题]伽玛刀治疗垂体微腺瘤,视神经距肿瘤应超过4mm为安全,为防止视神经损伤。( )
[填空题].由于托盘里的基质很容易干燥,托盘可育苗应当把( )作为最主要的温度管理措施。
[多选题]保险业务受让方保险公司应当符合下列条件:( )
A.受让的保险业务在其业务范围之内 B.公司治理结构完善,内控制度健全 C.偿付能力充足,且受让保险业务后,其偿付能力符合中国保监 会的相关规定 D.最近 2 年内无受金融监管机构重大行政处罚的记录 E.在受让业务的保单最初签发地设有分支机构 F.已进行经营管理受让业务的可行性研究 [单选题]如果U-焊接电压;I-焊接电流;V-焊接速度(cm/min),则g-焊接热输入(J/cm)按( )式计算:
A.q=60UI/V B.q=60UI C.q=60U/V D.q=3600UI/V [单项选择]女性,35岁,步行时后仰跌倒,右手掌撑地伤后1小时,右肩痛,不敢活动。检查:右肩方肩畸形,Dugas征。最常见的合并损伤是()。
A. 关节盂骨折 B. 肱骨大结节撕脱骨折 C. 腋神经损伤 D. 腋部动静脉损伤 E. 肱骨干骨折 [单选题]教师采取的有效达到教学目标的一切活动计划称为( )。
A.教学策略 B.教学目标 C.教学计划 D.学习策略 [单项选择]首次确立“十恶”制度的封建成文法典是( )。
A. 《北魏律》 B. 《北齐律》 C. 《开皇律》 D. 《唐律疏议》 [单项选择]临床应用助消化药时,常与胃蛋白酶配伍的药物是()
A. 碳酸氢钠 B. 氯化钠 C. 稀盐酸 D. 乳酸钠 E. 硫酸钠 [判断题]电烧伤为电流的热效应所伤害,又分为电流灼伤和电弧烧伤。(难)(基础知识)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] Passage 1