The poor little girl was tired and
hungry in the forest (森林). She walked through the forest, hoping to find
something to eat because she didn’t want to die. Then she found a little house
and thought it must be a woodman’s (伐木人的) house and she might be able to stay
there. So she knocked at the door. As there was no answer, she opened it and
went inside. There she saw a room with a long table. On it there were seven knives and forks, seven plates and drinking cups, and on the plates and in the cups were food and drink. The little girl was too hungry to turn away from the food, so she took a little from each plate and each cup. At the other end of the room, there were seven little beds. She tried to lie on some of them, and when she found a very ni [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第7.4.1.5规定:装设接地线、个人保安线时()。
A.应先装接地端,后装导体(线)端 B.应先装导体(线)端,后装装接地端 C.接地端、导体(线)端同时装 D.导体端、接地端安装顺序无要求 [单选题]票据付款人及代理付款人在付款时应当审查()。
A.出票人与持票人之间有无真实的交易关系 B.背书是否连续 C.持票人与其前手之间有无原因关系 D.出票人的签章是否真实 [多选题]背侧丘脑腹后外侧核接受( )
A.内侧丘系 B.三叉丘系 C.脊髓丘脑束 D.内侧纵束 E.齿状核纤维 [单项选择]抑制小肠糖苷酶而降低血糖的药物是
A. 甲硫氧嘧啶 B. 甲磺丁酰 C. 131I D. 苯乙双胍 E. 阿卡波糖 [填空题]
零售价( ) 现货( ) [多选题] 带电水冲洗时,出现以下( )情况时,一般不可冲洗。
A. 有零值绝缘子 B. 有低值绝缘子 C. 瓷质有裂纹 D. 有高值绝缘子 [填空题] The Library of Congress is America’’s national library. It has millions of books and other objects. It has newspapers, (36)______publications as well as letters of (37)______interest. It also has maps, photographs, art (38)______, movies, sound recordings and musical (39)______. All together, it has more than 100 million objects.
The Library of Congress is open to the public Monday through Saturday, except for public holidays. Anyone may go there and read anything in the collection. But no one is (40)______to take books out of the building.
The Library of Congress was (41)______in 1800. It started with eleven boxes of books in one room of the Capitol Building. By 1814, the collection had increased to about 3,000 books. They were all (42)______that year when the Capitol was burned down during America’’s war with Britain.
To help re-build the library, Congress bought the books of President Thomas Jefferson. Mr. Jefferson’’s (43)______included 7,000 books in seven langu
[判断题]人民币活期存款1元起存,个人活期存款按季结息,按结息日挂牌活期利率计息。( )
A.安全生产应急救援体系 B.公共卫生应急救援体系 C.社会安全应急救援体系 D.自然灾害应急救援体系 E.职业健康应急救援体系 我来回答: 提交