Crossing Wesleyan university’s campus
usually requires walking over colorful messages chalked on the ground. They can
be as innocent as meeting announcements, but in a growing number of cases the
language is meant to shock. It’s not uncommon, for instance, to see lewd (淫荡的)
references to professors’ sexual preferences scrawled across a path or the
mention of the word Nig’ that African-American students say make them feel
uncomfortable. In response, officials and students at schools are now debating ways to lead their communities away from forms of expression that offend or harass (侵扰). In the process, they’re butting up against the difficulties of regulating speech at institutions that pride themselves on fostering open debate. Mr. Bennet of Wesleyan says he had gotten used to seeing occasional chalkings filled with four-l A. stick up for free speech B. cleanse the academic setting C. cut the throat of free speech D. please the minorities [单选题] 《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,建设工程实行施工总承包的,由( )对施工现场的安全生产负总责。
A.分包单位 B.协商确定一方 C.总承包单位 D.安全生产监督机构 [单选题]为了实现进度控制目标,监理工程师根据建设工程的具体情况,制定了下列进度控措施其中属于组织措施的是()
A.加强索赔管理,公正地处理索赔 B.建立图纸审查、工程变更和设计变更管理制度 C.审查承包商提交的进度计划 D.及时办理工程预付款及工程进度款支付手续 [填空题]胀肚现象有:电流下降,(),排矿反常。
A. 《赵太祖龙虎风云会》 B. 《连环柬》 C. 《三国演义》 D. 《三平章死哭蜚虎子》 [单选题]()更换机车直流牵引电动机电刷时,应注意新电刷与换向器的接触面应在()以上。
A.70% B.75% C.80% D.85% [单选题]《铁路旅客人身伤害及携带品损失处理暂行办法》第二十二条: 根据责任确定情况,处理旅客人身伤害所发生的赔偿金及其他费用,由责任单位承担;无法确定责任单位的,由( )承担。
A.A、发生单位 B.B、处理单位 C.C、相关单位 D.D、指定单位 [单选题]根据《中国石油天然气集团有限公司安全生产管理规定》(中油质安[2018]340号),所属企业建设项目应当按照国家规定在进行( )时,开展安全预评价和职业病危害预评价。
A.建设施工 B.可行性研究 C.初步设计 D.投产运行 [多选题]扑救森林火灾前应做好哪些准备?()( )
A.组织准备 B.物质准备 C.装备准备 D.制定扑火预案 我来回答: 提交