Man first appeared on earth half a million years ago. Then he was little more than an animal; but early man had several big advantages over the animals. He had a large brain, he had an upright body, he had clever hands; and he had in his brain special groups of nerve cells, not present in animals, that enabled him to invent a language and use it to communicate with his fellow men. 46) This ability to speak was of great value because it allowed men to share ideas and to plan together, so that tasks impossible for a single person could be successfully undertaken by intelligent team-work. Speech also enabled ideas to be passed on from generation to generation so that the stock of human knowledge slowly increased.
It was these special advantages that put men far ahead of other living creatures in the struggle for existence. They can use their intelligence against their difficulties and master them.
Since these far-off times, when he first appeared, man has achi
Promptness is important in American
business, academic, and social settings. The importance of punctuality is taught
to young children in school. Tardy slips and the use of bells signal to the
child that punctuality and time itself are to be respected. People who keep appointments are considered dependable. If people are late to job interviews, appointments, or classes, they are often viewed as unreliable and irresponsible. In the business world, "time is money" and companies may fine their executives for tardiness to business meetings. Of course it is not always possible to be punctual. Social and business etiquette also provides rules for late arrivals. Calling on the telephone if one is going to be more than a few minutes late for scheduled appointments is considered polite and is often expected. Keeping a date of a friend waiting A. be fired B. be criticized by his boss C. be required to apologize D. be made to pay [判断题] 党的十九大作出把我国建成富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国的战略安排,其中制度建设和治理能力建设目标,到2035年“实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化”。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]矿山救护队质量标准化分为四个等级,等级标准分别是:( )
A.特级:总分95分以上含95分 B.一级:总分85分以上含85分; C.二级:总分80分以上含80分 D.三级:总分70分以上含70分; [填空题]站在新的奋斗起点,我们比历史上任何时期都更接近()的目标,比历史上任何时期都更有信心、有能力实现这个目标。
[单选题]请问下面这段《金沙遗址博物馆导游词》犯了导游词创作中的哪项禁忌?“我们现在看到的一个个小方格就是‘探方’。探方主要有三个作用:①控制地层;②建立坐标;③方便记录。”( )
A.使用了书面语言 B.使用长句 C.使用专业术语 D.使用口头禅 [单选题]具有工程类或者工程经济类中等专业及以上学历,且从事施工安全管理工作( ) 年及以上,具有初级及以上工程系列技术职称是专职安全生产管理人员考核应具备的必要条件。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]为客户提供各种票据、证券以及现金之间的互换机制,投资银行所发挥的作用是( )。
A. 期限中介 B. 风险中介 C. 信息中介 D. 流动性中介 [判断题]空气压缩机站设备必须设有压力表和安全阀。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交