Assuming that a constant travel-time budget, geographic constraints and short-term infrastructure constraints persist as fundamental features of global mobility, what long-term results can one expect7 In high-income regions, (41) North America, our picture suggests that the share of traffic (42) sup plied by buses and automobiles will decline as high-speed transport rises sharply. In developing countries, we (43) the strongest increase to be in the shares first for buses and later for automobiles. Glob ally, these (44) in bus and automobile transport are partially offsetting. In all regions, the share of low-speed rail transport will probably continue its strongly (45) decline.
We expect that throughout the period 1990—2050, the (46) North American will continue to de vote most of his or her 1. 1-hour travel-time (47) to automobile travel. The very large demand (48) air travel (or high-speed rai
A. to
B. as
C. with
D. over
The evolution of sex ratios has
produced, in most plants and animals with separate sexes, approximately equal
numbers of males and females. Why should this be so Two main kinds of answers
have been offered. One is couched in terms of advantage to population. It
is argued that the sex ratio will evolve so as to maximize the number of
meetings between individuals of the opposite sex. This is essentially a "group
selection" argument. The other, and in my view correct, type of answer was
first put forward by Fisher in 1930. This "genetic" argument starts from
the assumption that genes can influence the relative numbers of male and female
offspring produced, by an individual carrying the genes. That sex ratio
will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will
have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted A. definitive and thorough B. inaccurate but popular, compared with Hamilton’s work C. accurate, but trivial compared with Hamilton’s work D. admirable, but not as up-to-date as Hamilton’s work [判断题]待列车入段后,在列车故障说明书中注明故障现象,并如实填写电客车运用故障报告单,会同检修人员交于派班员。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]反应器温降是催化剂性能的一种表现。温降的大小既与催化剂的反应性能无关
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为什么随着海拔高度的增加,空气介质的放电电压会下降?
A. 风热犯肺 B. 风燥犯肺 C. 痰湿蕴肺 D. 风寒袭肺 E. 肝火犯肺 [单项选择]
Open Shortest Path First(OSPF)is a (8) routing algorithm that (9) work done on the OSI IS-IS intradomain routing protocol. This routing, as compared to distance-vector routing, requires (10) processing power. The Dijkstra algorithm is used to calculate (11) OSPF routing table updates only take place when necessary, (12) at regular intervals. 12()A. but rather B. rather too C. rather than D. rather that [单选题]患者男,63岁。腹泻1天来就诊。候诊时,突感腹痛难忍,护士应当采取的措施是
A.安先后次序叫号就诊 B.加强视察 C.要求家属加强照顾 D.适当调整就诊顺序 E.立即安排提前就诊 [判断题]配电第一种工作票,应在工作当天送达设备运维管理单位(包括信息系统送达)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]金融机构未按照规定履行客户身份识别义务的,并且致使洗钱后果发生的,处( )罚款,并对直接责任的董事、高级管理人员和其他直接责任人员处( )罚款;情节特别严重的,反洗钱行政主管部门可以建议有关金融监督管理机构责令停业整顿或者吊销其经营许可证。
A. 5万以上50万以下 B. 50万以上100万以下 C. 50万以上500万以下 D. 500万以上1000万以下 [单项选择]Which of the following is the topic of Paragraph 3
A. Some historical documents may not be real. B. Some authors may not be honest. C. Historians should be careful about their sources. D. Historians may be influenced by their own backgrounds. [单选题]基层卫生服务机构每年提供不少于( )种内容的印刷资料,并及时更新补充,保障使用。
A. 6种 B..10种 C.12种 D.18种 E. 24种 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(空调)3.7.3,列车首尾载客车厢内端门运行中锁闭,在内端门设置()标志。
A.禁止通行 B.加强巡视 C.当心坠落 D.旅客止步 [填空题]TMOD用于( ),( )位寻址;TCON用于( )位寻址。
A. 软件规范 B. 网络协议 C. 路由算法 D. 安全规范 [判断题]采用xPON技术采用WDM技术,收发同一根纤芯,可以节约纤芯资源。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]日常安全教育培训应当包括各专业日常作业的安全防护技能、注意事项、对策措施等。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]某包装流水线需要焊接维修,为了不影响生产,现场管理人员让焊工立即进行维修作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]担保的范围包括信贷业务的本金、利息、复利、罚息、违约金、损害赔偿金、以及诉讼(仲裁)费、律师费等农业银行实现债权的一切费用。不包括按《民事诉讼法》有关规定确定由用信人和担保人承担的迟延履行债务利息和迟延履行金。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《UCP600》的规定,超过签发日期21天后递交给银行议付的提单,称为( )。
A. 倒签提单 B. 预借提单 C. 电放提单 D. 过期提单 [单项选择]有权进入当前运行的会计电算化系统并调用该系统全部或部分功能的人员是( )。
A. 系统操作员 B. 系统管理员 C. 系统维护员 D. 数据审核员 [单选题]《道路运输安全专项整治三年行动实施方案》规定,应构建快速救援救治机制,建立健全快速发现、( )、有效救治、妥善救助“四位一体”联动工作机制,加强事故应急协调,完善救援救治保障,减少事故伤员致死致残。
A. 及时上报 B. 及时处置 C. 及时救援 D. 及时响应 我来回答: 提交