The foreign student adviser (FSA) and members of his or her staff provide a number of services important to all foreign students on campus. Duties of FSAs vary from campus to cam pus, but most are responsible for providing assistance on immigration matters, coordinating all campus and community services available to foreign students and serving as a liaison between foreign students and personnel on campus and in the community.
Foreign student advisers are willing to discuss any matters with their foreign students-- even extremely personal ones which in other societies might be discussed only in the family. All discussions with FSAs are kept in strict confidence, and if the advisers are unable to provide the assistance requested, they are prepared to refer you to the correct office or person, giving you some background about the person and advising you about how best to present your problem. In order for FSAs to provide the most effective assistance, it is important tha
A. foreign students
B. the Immigration and Naturalization Service
C. the local community
D. U.S. college and university life
Camille and Mike Geraldi are married
and live with their children near Miami, Florida in the U.S.A. Mike is a doctor.
Camille is a housewife and former nurse. They sound like an average family. In
some ways they are, but in many ways they are not. Tile average family in the U.S. has two or three children. The Geraldis have seventeen children. That is not all. Fifteen of these seventeen children are adopted children between the ages of one and nine. Each of the adopted children has a severe physical or mental disability (丧失能力). A day with the Geraldi family is not average. Camille wakes up before dawn. She and three helpers wake, wash, dress, and feed the seventeen children. After breakfast, eleven of the children go to special schools. At 7:30, Camille takes a nap for two hour A. children born in the family B. children who left the family C. children taken legally into a family they were not born into D. children who are unable to take care of themselves [多选题]屋面雨水排水系统中,内排水系统按接纳雨水斗的数目分为()
A.单斗排水系统 B.多斗排水系统 C.敞开内排水系统 D.密闭式内排水系统 [单项选择]信息检索语言根据结构原理可划分为以下四种语言,请选择关键词检索属于哪种语言检索?()
A. 分类语言 B. 主题语言 C. 号码语言 D. 名称语言 [单选题]国务院有关部门、省级人民政府及其有关部门应当有效引导社会舆论科学、准确报道生物恐怖袭击和生物武器攻击事件,及时发布疏散、转移和紧急避难等信息,对应急处置与恢复过程中遭受污染的区域和人员进行长期()
A.危害评估和消毒处理 B.消毒隔离和加强防护 C.环境监测和健康监测 D.消毒隔离和生态恢复 我来回答: 提交