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It was inevitable that any of President George W. Bushes fans had to be very disappointed by his decision to implement high tariffs on steel imported to the U. S.. The president’s defense was pathetic: He argued that the steel tariffs were somehow consistent with free trade, that the domestic industry was important and struggling, and that the relief was a temporary measure to allow time for restructuring. One reason that this argument is absurd is that U. S. integrated steel companies ("Big Steel") have received various forms of government protection and subsidy for more than 30 years.
Instead of encouraging the industry to restructure, the long-term protection has sustained inefficient companies and cost U. S. consumers dearly. As Anne O. Krueger, now deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said in a report on Big Steel: "The American Big Steel industry has been the champion lobbyist and seeker of protectio
A. the sacrifice from U. S. consumers.
B. the government's financial support.
C. the reduction of steel product prices.
D. the compromise from the labor force.
Below is about the life of Ernest Hemingway
(海明威) 1899 Born in Oak Park, Illinois, near Chicago. 1913 Goes to Oak Park and River Forest High School, where he wants to be a writer. 1917 Takes job in the Kansas City Star in October. 1918 On May 23 goes to Europe to work as a driver. 1922 In Paris meets writer Ezra Pound—"He’s teaching me to write," Hemingway reported. 1925 In Our Time published (出版), with several stories set in Michigan. 1927 Publishes Men without Women, in which there are stories Hills Like White Elephants and The Killers. 1929 A Farewell to Arms—a book of love and war (战争)—published in September. 1932 Brings out his book Death in the Afternoon. 1933 Publishes Winner Take Nothing. 1937 Writes To Have and Hare Not. 1940 Publishes For Whom the Bell Tolls, his best-sellin [填空题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司铁路旅客电子客票实施细则(暂行)》(上铁客〔2020〕180号 )规定,旅客在乘车前丢失证件的,应到该有效身份证件的发证机构办理身份证明,凭<--NRC-->进出站乘车。
[多选题]采用过盈配合联接的孔和轴装拆时可用( )
A.修配法 B.压装法 C.热装法 D.冷装法 E. 锉削法 [判断题] ( )划分地壳历史的单位称为地层单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](2837)( )记录仪在稳定车的前司机室的前部右方。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于保险人的义务,下列表述正确的有( )。
A.承担为防止或者减少保险标的的损失所支付的必要.合理费用,但采取的措施未产生实际效果的除外 B.保险人.被保险人为査明和确定保险事故的性质.原因和保险标的的损失程度所支付的必要的.合理的费用,由保险人承担 C.责任保险中被保险人因给第三者造成损害的保险事故而被提起仲裁或者诉讼的,被保险人支付的仲裁或者诉讼费用以及其他必要的.合理的费用,除合同另有约定外,由保险人承担 D.给付保险赔偿金或保险金,是保险人最基本和最主要的义务 [判断题]自助设备钥匙使用完毕,应随身携带,以防丢失。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据域名代码规定,表示政府部门网站的域名代码是
A..net B..com C..gov D..org [单选题]改善功率因数的实质问题是补偿()功率
A. 有功 B. 无功 C. 电压 D. 视在 [单项选择]城市规划主要是政府行为,在城市规划的实施中,( )具有最基本的作用。
A. 城市规划实施的行政机制 B. 城市规划实施的法律机制 C. 国家的有关行政法规 D. 城市规划实施的社会机制 [单项选择]大面积烧伤休克期补液时,常用的监测指标是()。
A. 血压 B. 中心静脉压 C. 尿量 D. 脉搏 E. 以上都是 [判断题]整正接触网杆作业时的防护和行车安全由设备管理单位负责。《安规》第4.0.6条
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]血余炭除收敛止血外,又能()
A. 安胎 B. 止呕 C. 利尿 D. 生肌 E. 止咳 [单项选择]生命是一场充满意外收获的伟大历险,看上去难以掌握,其实机会无处不在。如果你从不犯错.或者从没有人批评过你,那么你肯定没进行过任何大胆的尝试。如果一个人这样生活,那么他肯定无法发挥出所有潜力,当然也就很难真正享受到生活的乐趣。 这段文字主要是想说明( )。
A. 人生要勇于尝试 B. 生活的乐趣在于冒险 C. 生活中机会无处不在 D. 一个人不可能从不犯错误 [多选题]可燃气体和毒性气体检测仪适用于检测空气中的( ) 等气体。
A.砷化氢 B.硫化氢 C. 氩气 D. 氯化氢 [判断题]许多时间明示教育的效果要优于暗示的效果。
A. 赖氨酸 B. 蛋氨酸 C. 酪氨酸 D. 色氨酸 E. 苏氨酸 [单项选择]Many researchers have found greater dependence and obedience in very young girls, greater autonomy and activity in boys. When a barrier is set up to separate children from their mothers, boys try to knock it down; girls cry helplessly. There is little doubt that mother’s encouragement or discouragement--of such behavior plays a major role in determining adult personality. For example, a mother often stimulates male autonomy by throwing a toy far away from her young son, thus silently suggesting to him that he leaves her to get it.
Animal studies suggest that there may be a biological factor in material behavior; mothers of some monkeys punish their male babies earlier and more often than their female offspring; they also touch their female babies more often and act more protectively toward them. As for the controversial question of female "passivity", psychologist Helen Deutsh believes that the concept has been misunderstood. "There is no contradiction between being feminine A. Hormone Effect. B. Male and Female. C. Passivity and Activity. D. Female Passivity. [单项选择]荧光灯的缺点是()
A. 发光效率低 B. 使用寿命短 C. 启动慢、显色性差 D. 有频闪效应,附件多 [单项选择]以下不良反应中,与苯妥英钠无关的是()
A. 局部刺激 B. 脱发 C. 神经系统反应 D. 齿龈增生 E. 造血系统反应 [多选题]线路设备大修验收标准道床应达到( )标准。(应知应会-《普速铁路线路修理规则》-第6.4.1条)
A. 清筛清洁,道砟中粒径小于25mm的颗粒质量不得超过5% B. 清筛深度达到设计要求 C.道床密实、符合设计断面 D. 边坡整齐 我来回答: 提交