The post-war explosion in the use of
detergents (清结剂) was a prime cause for the deteriorating (恶化) condition of
Thames twenty-five years ago. Between 1951 and 1961, detergent use increased
three times. A tragic example of the results of this was when a man drowned
because, though help was at hand, the would-be rescuers could not see him
through the mass of foam. Previously, detergents had been of vegetable origin and caused no trouble. The new "hard" (technically, non-biodegradable 不能分解的) detergents contained elements which could not be degraded in the treatment plants sewage (污水) works. These detergents decreased the efficiency of plants by an estimated 30 percent. So when the waste water from the works was sent into the river, it still contained much "hard" detergent, which foamed or spread on the surface and greatly r A. manufacturers agreed to produce biodegradable detergents instead of non-biodegradable detergents B. river authorities cooperated very well with government representatives C. ways had been found to degrade the new "hard" detergents D. more sewage works had been built to treat polluted water [单项选择]下列哪一项能评价鼻源性眶内并发症病情的严重程度()
A. 眼球突出和视力改变 B. 鼻出血 C. 头痛 D. 鼻塞 E. 头晕 [判断题]三段式电流保护中瞬时电流速段保护及限时电流速段保护构成线路的主保护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者女性,23岁。因急性心肌炎入院,护士进行评估收集资料,全部属于主观资料的是
A.气促、感觉心慌、心率快 B.心悸、疲乏、周身不适 C.心动过速、气促、发热 D.感觉心慌、发热、疲乏 E.心动过速、发热 [简答题]一位28岁女性,人流后4年不孕,平时月经正常。请问如何进一步检查,进一步治疗。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]客户可通过( )渠道认购我行大额存单。
A.柜面 B.网银 C.手机银行 D.电话银行 [多项选择]毒性药品生产、收购、供应和配制计划是( )
A. 由省级医药管理部门根据治疗需要制定 B. 经省级卫生行政部门审核 C. 由医药管理部门下达给指定的毒性药品生产、收购、供应单位 D. 生产单位不得擅自改变生产计划自己销售 E. 生产单位可适当的改变生产计划自己销售 [单选题]自动闭塞区段车站超长列车头部越过发车进路信号机发车时,行车凭证为绿色许可证,列车到达( )信号机按其显示的要求执行。(技规)
A.次一 B.通过 C.出站 [单选题]近年来公安机关统计数据表明,以寻衅滋事殴打他人为代表的大部分治安案件,在周末的夜晚发案频率最高。基层派出所根据统计数据,在周末加强了娱乐场所巡查力度,提高了街面见警率,整体治安环境得到明显提升。这体现了社区治安信息采集的哪种方法?
A.观察法 B.调查法 C.综合分析法 D.特种采集法 [单项选择]下列哪项属于医师在执业活动中应负有的义务
A. 人格尊严、人身安全不受侵犯 B. 参加专业学术团体 C. 获取工资报酬和津贴 D. 宣传卫生保健知识,对患者进行教育 E. 享受国家规定的福利待遇 [单选题]根据《生产安全事故应急预案管理办法》(2009)矿山企业应当组织()对本单位编制的应急预案进行评审。评审应当形成书面纪要并附有专家名单。
A.专家 B.安监部门 C.单位的安全生产管理人员 [判断题]法律、 法规、 规章对执法证件未作统一规定的, 行政执法人员应当持有
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]开挖全设计坡面及坡脚后,可延长暴露时间( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交