More than any other industry, the
luxury-goods business needs people to feel good about spending money. So at a
recent conference in Moscow, Bernard Arnault, the head of Moet Hennessy Louis
Vuitton (LVMH), the world’s biggest luxury-goods group, went to great lengths to
dismiss investors’ fears about the impact on the industry of America’s credit
crisis, a possible recession and the weak dollar. Indeed, Mr. Arnault said he
expects the industry’s sales almost to double in the next five years, thanks to
strong demand from emerging markets and the creation of new wealth across the
globe. After a depressing period at the beginning of the decade when the terrorist attacks in America, the outbreak of SARS and the war in Iraq reduced international travel and people’s appetite for frivolous things, the industry has had three excellent years A. Newly developed markets such as Asia. B. Markets with customers being merely affluent. C. Markets in developing countries. D. New market in European and American countries. [单选题]开立境外机构人民币银行结算账户时,开户机构认为必要时,可委托()就境外机构开户资料的真实性进行查询并出具书面意见。
A.、开户机构所在地的律师事务所 B.、境外机构所在地的律师事务所 C.、开户机构所在地的公证处 D.、境外机构所在地的公证处。 [单项选择]小儿食指络脉色深暗滞多见于
A. 表证 B. 里证 C. 虚证 D. 实证 [多选题]关于现场人员变更,下列说法正确的是()。
A.工作负责人允许变更一次 B.非特殊情况不得变更工作负责人 C.变更工作班成员时,应经工作票签发人同意 D.原、现工作负责人应对工作任务和安全措施进行交接 E.略 F.略 [判断题]基建工程启动投产条件之一是施工单位已完成影响启动投产问题的消缺,为节省时间施工单位自检即可。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]施工单位违反工程建设强制性标准,情节严重的,责令停业整顿、降低资质等级或者吊销资质证书。()
[判断题] 国家综合性消防救援队、专职消防队应当充分发挥火灾扑救和应急救援专业力量的骨干作( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]非绝缘锚段关节的检测周期为( )。(职工)(应知应会-西铁供[2017]19号,第六十二条)
A.6个月 B.12个月 C.36个月 D.24个月 [填空题]联合接头不得设置在道口、桥台、桥墩、钢桁梁桥的伸缩纵梁或不作单独设计的桥上,并要求距桥台边墙和桥墩不应小于<--NRC-->。
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