After the terrorist attacks in America last September, terrorist risk became the pariah of perils. The airline industry was most directly affected by the attacks, and it was the first to find that no one wanted to insure terrorist risk. Insurance companies immediately increased premiums and cut cover for airlines’ third-party terror and war liabilities to $ 50m per airline, per "event". Under pressure from airlines, the American government and the members of the European Union agreed to become insurers of last resort for airlines’ war and terrorist liabilities, for a limited period. These government guarantees are due to expire at the end of the month.
The American government has already agreed to extend its guarantee for another 60 days. The EU’s transport ministers are meeting next week in Brussels to decide what to do. Insurers and reinsurers are keen for the commercial market to resume the provision of all airline insurance as soon a
A. insurance companies increased premiums.
B. airlines seek to avoid legal liabilities.
C. terrorist attacks left insurers panicked.
D. terrorist risk is unlikely to be insured.
Questions 62 to 66 are based on
the following passage. A major sociological theory known as symbolic interactionism offers some important insights into how men and women are taught to fill different roles in society. The key concept in symbolic interactionism is that communication makes a big difference in behavior: people act on the basis of messages they receive from others, and how they understand those messages. This can be seen in a concept developed by sociologist Charles Horton Cooley known as the looking-glass self. By the looking-glass self, Cooley meant the self-image that each of us develops according to the messages we receive from others; we think and behave according to our understanding of those messages. If, for example, a young girl is repeatedly told that she is pretty, she will c A. why men and women are good at different things B. how young girls feel when they are said to be pretty C. how men and women are taught to perform different social roles D. why men and women receive messages in a totally different way [单选题]转向架最前位与最后位车轴中心线间的水平距离称为( )。
A.固定轴距 B.车辆定距 C.全轴距 D.轮距 [单选题]进货检验一般由( )质量检验及相当机构负责执行。
A.供货方 B.采购方 C.第三方 D.地方质监部门 [填空题]
The following passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way: For a {{U}}wrong{{/U}} word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line. For a {{U}}missing{{/U}} word, mark the position of the missing word with a" A" sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line. For an {{U}}unnecessary{{/U}} word, cross out the unnecessary word with a slash "—" and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line. Human vision like that of other primates has evolved in an
environment. In the dense complex world of a tropical forest, it is more important to see well to develo [单选题]对于除A321NEO以外的飞机,关于拉平方式,以下说法正确的是:
A.当飞机通过30ft时,姿态被记忆 B.当飞机通过50ft时,姿态逐步减小到机头下俯2度 C.当飞机通过30ft时,姿态逐步减小到机头下俯2度 [简答题]
1948年徐特立同志针对当时新编的语文教材说:“全书是反映我们革命的活动,与过去一切课本有区别。但各册相互间和各课相互间的联系,以及国民需要最低限度的知识全面性和计划性,都和辛亥以来的国语课本无甚差别。这一问题在中国历史发展近百年来未能解决,目前我们亟须解决。”1963年叶圣陶先生针对当时新编的语文教材说:“中小学语文的教材教法,五十多年来可以说变改很少。什么方面都要继续革命,而这两方面连革新也说不上,不要说革命了。” 这两段话对我们有什么启示?[多选题]( )为线路临时补修的主要内容。
A.更换和修理轨枕 B.调整严重不良轨缝 C.整修严重不良的道口设备 D.处理不良绝缘接头 [判断题] 在营业线施工,施工单位必须与工务设备管理单位签定施工安全协议。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]钠离子交换器运行失效后,如需继续使用,必须经过()处理。
A. 漂洗 B. 过滤 C. 催化 D. 再生 [单项选择]400总吨及以上非油轮,必须具备经主管机关批准的()。
A. STCW公约 B. 防污证书 C. 货物记录簿 [单项选择]骨样骨瘤()
A. 病理特征为小而圆的骨组织核心,被反应骨包围 B. X线检查表现为病变骨的膨胀,内有蜂窝状骨吸收区,夹杂有钙化斑块 C. 发生于颅骨,表现为致密的象牙样肿块 D. 骨性病损白干骺端突出,向偏离骺板的方向生长 E. X线检查股骨上段呈磨砂玻璃样疏松病损,无明确界限,波及整个股骨上段,颈干角增大 [简答题]上海局集团公司几何尺寸检查时量测要求是如何规定的?
A.3 B.5 C.10 D.15 [填空题]采用嵌补、支顶等措施防护、加固边坡时,如嵌补坡面空洞及凹槽,应先清除(),再将基座(),并保持襟边宽度不小于(),然后再行砌筑;应做到嵌体稳固,表面平顺,周边封严。
[多选题]电力机车车体根据不同的承载需要,可分为( )。
A.底架承载式车体 B.底架和侧墙共同承载式车体 C.侧墙承载式车体 D.整体承载车体 我来回答: 提交