{{B}}The Cutting
Edge{{/B}} Economists and governments agree these days on the crucial importance of foreign direct invest-ment (FDI). They see it both as the global market’s "seal of approval" on a country’s policies and prospects, and as a force, especially in developing countries, for far- reaching economic change. This consensus is surprising when you remember that FDI remains politically sensitive in many poor, and some not-so-poor, countries. But the benefits are so great that reservations on this account have been put aside. The point about FDI is that it is far more than mere "capital": it is a uniquely potent bundle of capital, contacts, and managerial and technological knowledge. It is the cutting edge of globalization. The outlook for FDI- in total, and countr A. Because it generates tax revenue for host governments. B. Because it signifies an approval on a country’s policies and prospects. C. Because it is a politically stabilizing force. D. Because it transforms the management practice of the host countries. [单项选择]鉴别右心衰竭和肝硬化的重点是()
A. 中心静脉压增高 B. 下肢水肿 C. 肝大 D. 脾大 E. 腹水 [多选题]下列关于规划的说法正确的是()。
A.从时间上说,一般都要在三五年以上 B.从范围上说,大都是全局性工作或涉及面较广的重要工作项目 C.从内容和写法上说,往往是细线条的 D.从内容和写法上说,往往是粗线条的 [单选题]ZPW-2000A/K无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统分路灵敏度是( )
A.是0.1Ω B.是0.15Ω C.是1Ω D.是1.8Ω [单项选择]称“受盛之官”的腑是
A. 胃 B. 小肠 C. 大肠 D. 膀胱 E. 三焦 [判断题]特殊地段(沼泽地、河道内)的电杆,应采取增加混凝土护墩、加装拉线等方式防护,危及电杆稳定性的应采取迁改避让方式进行改造。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]第15~26题使用的数据表如下: 当前盘当前目录下有数据库:学院.dbc,其中有“教师”表和“学院”表。 “教师”表