One day ,I happened to(碰巧)talk to a
stranger on the bus. When he found out that I was from Chicago, he told me that
one of his good friends lived there and he wondered if I happened to know him.
At first I wanted to say that Chicago was a very big city. He was silent(沉默)for
a few minutes, and then he began to tell me all about his friend. He told me that his friend was an excellent tennis player, and that he even had his own tennis eourt(网球场). He added that he knew a lot of people with swimming pools, but that he only knew two people in the country had their own tennis courts. And his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several people like that. For example, my brother and my next door neighbour. I said that my brother was a doctor. The doctor had a tennis court. I told A. his friend was a famous person B. his friend was an excellent tennis player C. the writer could find his friend D. the writer would happen to know his friend [多选题]计算油价调控风险准备金时,汽、柴油实际销售数量按照以下规定确定:
A.进口汽、柴油的,其销售数量以报关日期及报关数量为准。 B.直接生产销售汽、柴油的(不包括销售未经生产加工的外购汽、柴油),其销售数量以发票开具日期及数量为准。 C.委托加工汽、柴油的,其销售数量按已委托加工合同签署日期及交货凭证确认。 D.直接生产销售汽、柴油的(不包括销售未经生产加工的外购汽、柴油),如无法提供发票的,以无法确定销售日期的全月销售量和窗口期占全月时间比合理确定。 [单项选择]关于睾丸附睾结核的临床特点,下列不正确的是().
A. 睾丸结核多继发于附睾结核 B. 附睾结核可由急性转为慢性 C. 附睾睾丸结核可伴有鞘膜积液或积脓 D. 单纯抗结核治疗对早期附睾结核有效 E. 附睾结核手术前可以不进行抗结核治疗 [多选题]高弹性模式下薪酬结构的特点包括( )。
A.激励功能较强 B.薪酬水平波动较大 C.不易核算成本 D.薪酬与绩效紧密挂钩 E.企业人均成本稳定,容易形成较重的负担 [判断题]《建规》规定,室外疏散楼梯的倾斜角度不应小于45°。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]2.三相对称负载Y形联接的电路中,1a与1m,相之间的关系是()。
A.A.I线=根3I相 B.B.I线=3I相 C.C.I线=1/3I相 D.D.I线=I相 [单项选择]《建筑设计防火规范》规定,两座建筑物相邻较高一面外墙为防火墙或高出相邻较低一座一、二级耐火等级建筑物的屋面( )范围内的外墙为防火墙且不开设门窗洞口时,其防火间距可不限。
A. 15m B. 20m C. 25m [单项选择]有以下程序,其中k的初值为八进制数。程序运行后的输出结果是 #include<stdio.h> main( ) { int k=011; printf("%d/n", k++); }
A. 12 B. 11 C. 10 D. 9 [多选题]核定可循环使用信用额度的客户除基本条件以外, 还应同时具备的条件包括( )。
A.信用等级为 A 级( 含) 以上 B.经营管理正常, 有经常性的循环用信需求, 最近两年连续盈利 C.资产负债率、 速动比率、 净资产收益率、 现金流动负债比率指标中至少 3个指标优于所属细分行业全行业平均值 D.总行确定的行业重点客户、 总行级核心客户( 及其直接或间接控股从事集团主营业务经营的子公司), 可不受上述限制 [单选题]在道路上进行定点作业,夜间不超过()h即可完工的,在有现场交通指挥人员指挥交通的情况下,只要作业区设置了完善的安全设施,即白天设置了锥形交通路标或路栏,夜间设置了锥形交通路标或路栏及道路作业警示灯,可不设标志牌
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 我来回答: 提交