女,24岁,上前牙光敏树脂贴面半年余,近1个月觉刷牙牙龈出血,龈乳头呈球状增生,质地松软 |
61)Fathers exposed to poisonous substances are probably just as likely to be the cause of defects in their unborn infants as mothers. Yet it is women who are told to stop drinking and smoking and to look after their health when they are pregnant. And it is women who find that they are banned from jobs where they are exposed to harmful chemicals or radiation. 62) Despite a growing body of scientific evidence that a man’s exposure to damaging substances can affect his offspring, pregnant women are still charged with the responsibility of keeping their infants healthy, said Gladys Friedler, of the Boston University School of Medicine. "This is puzzling", she said. "Most of the workforce is still male, so why do we still spend so much time looking at women The health of men as well as women should be of concern."
In the US, 2,500,000 children are born with birth defects each year. In 60 percent of cases the origin of the defect is not
working life by Maureen Dowd{{/B}} In the world of business, it is not always easy for women to do the same things as mot. Consider the working dinner. In order to do your job well, it’s important to, sometimes see clients and business contacts away{{U}} (29) {{/U}}the office, in a more relaxed atmosphere, you can get to know your business partner{{U}} (30) {{/U}}. In the end, after alt, people do business with people they like. Women start out{{U}} (31) {{/U}}a disadvantage because, unless you’re Nancy Lopez or Martina Navratilova, it’s{{U}} (32) {{/U}}to i [单项选择]不属于根据五行相生规律制定的治法是()
A. 培土生金 B. 滋水涵木 C. 益火补土 D. 金水相生 E. 泻南补北 [判断题]在客车内装卸、搬运物品时应避免刮碰车辆设备,严禁使用拖、拉、滑、拽等方式挪动物品,避免地板布划伤和破损。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《防洪法》规定,防汛抗洪工作实行各级人民政府( )负责制,统一指挥,分级分部门负责。
A.党委 B.行政首长 C.业务部门 [单项选择]有配伍禁忌的药物()
A. 宝宝乐 B. 丹桂香颗粒 C. 复方元胡止痛片 D. 三九胃泰颗粒 E. 胃复宁胶囊 [单项选择]患者咳喘十余载,时轻时重,现咳喘气粗,胸满烦躁,痰黄难咯,身热微恶寒,咽干口渴,舌红苔黄腻,脉滑数.治疗宜用()
A. 越婢加半夏汤 B. 桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤 C. 参附汤 D. 真武汤 E. 苓桂术甘汤 [单选题]在区外故障时,阻抗继电器因过渡电阻影响发生超越现象,此时阻抗继电器的测量阻抗因过渡电阻影响而增加的附加分量ΔR是( )。
A.电阻性 B.感性 C.容性 D.不确定 [填空题]GPS卫星星历分为预报星历(广播星历)和()。
A.设备因素 B.制度因素 C.社会因素 D.管理因素 [填空题]It is difficult to find reliable body counts of suicides, and of course the rate (1) which people kill themselves (2) from place to place and from time to time. (3) , you can get some idea of the size of the problem (4) you realize that every 30 minutes someone in the Untied States (5) suicide. And for every successful suicide there are probably three attempts (6) fail.
Suicide statistics are notoriously unreliable (7) only because shame is attached (8) the act but also because people who successfully kill themselves have often tried and (9) several times before. One survey at a suicide center showed that 60 percent of those who finally (10) to kill themselves had made previous attempts. Also, (11) looks like an accident may actually be deliberate suicide. We know that more than 55,000 persons die each year in automobile accidents, (12) no one knows [单项选择]
F: What kind of person do you think you are A. That can’t be replaced. B. Honesty is very important. C. Family is more important than friendship. [判断题]架空配电线路和高压配电设备验电应有人监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]三相异步电动机小修的项目包括( )。
A.电动机吹风清扫,做一般性的检查 B.拆卸电动机进行检修 C.更换磁性槽楔,加强绕组端部绝缘 D.转子做动平衡试验 [判断题]救护人不可直接用手、其他金属及潮湿的物体作为救护工具,而应使用适当的工具
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]治疗月经周期不规律,经量少,色淡,腰骶酸痛,头晕,舌淡苔白,脉沉弱,针灸治疗为主的经脉宜选取
A. 任脉、足少阴经 B. 任脉、足厥阴经 C. 任脉、足太阴经 D. 带脉、冲脉、任脉 E. 任脉、督脉、冲脉 [单选题]国家实行生产安全事故( ),依法追究生产安全事故责任人员的法律责任。
A.责任追究制度 B.法律追究制度 C.隐患排查制度 [判断题]通信建设工程初步设计阶段应编制概算。
[多选题]以下安全工器具应进行试验:( )
A.高处作业安全用具。 B.新购置和自制的安全工器具。 C.检修后或关键零部件经过更换的安全工器具。 D.对安全工器具的机械、绝缘性能发生疑问或发现缺陷时。 [多选题](灵活应用)20、案例情景题
事故直接原因:配网作业“体外循环”,供电所所长布置低压剪线作业随处随意随口安排,未进行规范的组织实施,任务时间、人员职责、风险评估、过程监护等组织管控均未按规定作出书面的具体布置和安排。死者在未正确使用安全带、未使用后备保护绳和安全帽的情况下,攀爬15 米电杆剪除临时凉棚从TA N2.2 号杆上自行引下的2 条220 伏C、N 相导线,在剪断两条导线尚未进行绝缘包裹等遮蔽措施的情况下,失去安全带保护,发生高空坠落后人员死亡。
(3)(多选)根据《南网安规》,保证安全的技术措施包括但不仅限于( )。
A.停电 B.验电 C.接地 D.保持充足的睡眠 [单选题]在( )过程中,各个班组应根据自己的实际和特点,运用科学管理方法,合理地组织生产活动,充分发挥班组全体成员和设备的能力,用最少的人力、物力消耗创造出最佳的安全和经济效果。
A.生产管理 B.卫生管理 C.纪律管理 D.财务管理 [单选题]GIS最大气室的气体处理时间不超过8h。252kV及以下设备单个气室长度不超过(____),且单个主母线气室对应间隔不超过3个。
A.10m B.15m C.20m D.25m [多项选择]IPv6地址内嵌IPv4地址有两种,分别是()。
A. IPv4兼容的IPv6地址 B. IPv6兼容的IPv4地址 C. 映射IPv6的IPv4地址 D. 映射IPv4的IPv6地址 [单选题]韶山4改型电力机车为了使内、中、外弹簧受力均匀,应对其进行选配,使它们在各自工作负荷下内、中、外单个弹簧高度差≤( ),然后配成弹簧组。
A.2mm B.3mm C.4mm D.5mm 我来回答: 提交