Obesity is defined as body weight of 15
percent or more above the ideal for one’s height and age. {{U}} 62 {{/U}}
this criterion, about one third of the adult population of the United States is
obese. The {{U}} 63 {{/U}} of obesity vary in different races, cultures,
sub-cultures, and social classes. In industrialized countries, fatness tends to
be {{U}} 64 {{/U}} correlated with socioeconomic status: people in
lower social classes tend to be more obese. In economically backward
nations, the direction of the correlation is reversed; the richer, the
fatter. The situation in the underdeveloped world probably approximates
the {{U}} 65 {{/U}} of affairs through most of human evolution.
Particularly for women, {{U}} 66 {{/U}} pregnancies could {{U}} 67
{{/U}} into times of scarcity, larger internal food {{U}} 68 {{/U}}
were adapted in the fa A. pretend B. intend C. expand D. extend [多项选择]病历摘要:女性,49岁主因活动后心悸气短伴双下肢水肿一年,加重一月入院。PE://颈静脉怒张,双肺呼吸音清无干湿性啰音,心率100次/分,律齐,心音遥远,肝肿大,肋下4指,双下肢中度水肿。既往有肺结核病史3年。此患者可能为:()
A. 结核性腹膜炎 B. 心肌病 C. 肝硬化 D. 慢性缩窄性心包炎 E. 二尖瓣狭窄合并心衰 [单选题]水准仪测量高程的基本原理是就是利用水准仪所提供的水平视线测得( )而计算高程。
A.角度 B.水平距离 C.高差 D.方向 [单项选择]Where are they talking
A. In a restaurant. B. In a police station. C. In a post office. [判断题]玉米是需肥量大的作物,产量随施肥量的增加而增加。
[单选题]根据《建筑业企业资质管理规定》 (建设部令第87号) 和《建筑
业企业资质等级标准》 的规定,从事施工起重机械安装、拆卸施
工的单位,应当具备 ( )
A.特种设备安装改造维修许可证 B.起重设备安装工程专业承包资质 C.塔式起重机拆装许可证 D.起重机械安装许可证 [单选题] 在路口右转弯遇同车道前车等候放行信号时如何行驶?
A.从前车左侧转弯 B.从右侧占道转弯 C.鸣喇叭让前车让路 D.依次停车等候 [单选题]机械密封与填料密封相比,机械密封( )。
A.密封性能差 B.价格低 C.机械损失小 [简答题]人生是由“渐”维持的。这在女人恐怕尤为必要:歌剧中,舞台上如花的少女,就是将来火炉旁边的老婆子,这句话骤听使人不能相信,少女也不肯承认,实则现在的老婆子都是由如花的少女“渐渐”变成的。
A. 2014年2月26日 B. 2014年4月25日 C. 2014年7月1日 [填空题]货梯使用时间:( )可使用货梯送货进场,上货使用的货车车轮必须使用( ),禁止使用硬质车轮划伤地面,如有划伤损坏将进行相应赔损,严禁使用扶梯送货。
A. 泵速不变而流速减小 B. 钻井液池体积减小 C. 泵速不变而流速增加 D. 钻井液被气侵 [单选题]由他人代替考试、替他人参加考试、组织作弊、使用通讯设备作弊、在校期间二次(含二次)以上作弊的及其他作弊行为严重的,给予( )处分。
A.严重警告 B.记过 C.留校察看处分 D.开除学籍 [单项选择]种植义齿上部结构与基桩的连接方式不包括下述哪一项()。
A. 卡环固定式 B. 套筒冠连接式 C. 螺丝紧闭式 D. 栓道连接式 E. 粘固固定式 [简答题]企业成立于2016年,2020年在编人员100人,工资总额1000万;另有签订1年劳动合同的临聘人员20人,工资总额120万,其中1人为残疾人,但未在残疾人联合会进行备案;该企业还在6-9月聘用季节性用工12人,工资总额24万。请计算该企业2021年需缴纳的残疾人就业保障金金额。
A.领子比领圈略长 B.领圈比领子略长 C.两者相等 D.以上都不对 [单选题]Text 3 When education fails to keep pace with technology,the result is inequality.Without the skills to stay useful as innovations arrive,workers suffer-and if enough of them fall belund,society starts to fall apart.That fundamental insight seized reformers in the IndusLrial Revolution,promoting state-funded universal schooling.Later,automation in factories and offices called forth a surge in coUege graduates.The combination of education and innovation,spread over decades,led to a remarkable flowering of prosperity.Today robotics and artificial intelligence call for another education revolution.This time,how-ever,working lives are so lengthy and so fast-chanf;ing that simply cramming more schooling in at the start is not enough.People must also be able to acquire new skills throughout their careers.Unfortunately,as our special report in Lhis issue sets out,the lifelong learning that exists today mainly benefits high achievers and is therefore more likely to aggravate inequality than diminish it.If 21st-century economies are not to create a massive underclass,policymakers urgently need to work out how to help all their citizens leam while they earn.So far,their ambition has fallen pitifully short.The classic model of education-a burst aL the start and top-ups through company training-is breaking down.One reason is the need for new,and constantly updated,skdls.Manufacturing in~creasingly calls for brain work raLher than physical work.The share of the American workforce employed in routine office jobs declined from 25.5%t0 21%between 1996 and 2015.The single,stable career has gone the way of the Rolodex.Pushinf;people into ever-hit;her levels of formal education at the start of their lives is not the way to cope.Just 16qo of Americans think that a four-year college degree prepares students very well for a good job.Although a vocational education promises that vital first hire,those with specialtized training tend to withdraw from the labour force earlier than山ose with general educaUon-perhaps because they are less adaptable.At the same time on-the-job training is shrinking.In Amenca and Britain it has fallen by roughly half in the past two decades.Self-employment is spreading,leaving more people to take responsi-bility for their own skills.Taking time out later in life to pursue a formal qualirication is an option,but it costs money and most coUeges are geared towards youngsters.
We can infer from Paragraph I that_____
A.society will collapse without innov8tion B.education is the only way to social prosperity C.inequality may originate from poor education D.most workers in factories are college graduates [判断题]氧-乙炔火焰中乙炔气体为可燃气体,氧气为助燃气体。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]企业的技术改造可以分为表层、内层和深层三个层次,每层的技术改造主要包括( )
A. 科学技术的运用 B. 新设备的添置 C. 新组织形式的采用 D. 生产方式的革新 [单选题] 人力及机械牵引放线时,放线滑车使用前应进行( )。 (1.0分)
A. 巡查 B. 外观检查 C. 审查 D. 抽查 [多选题]作业人员应()合格,并经习服适应后,方可参加()。作业人员均应定期进行体格检查,并建立个人健康档案。
A.A.体检 B.B.施工 C.C.考试 D.D.作业 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单项选择]每张儿童票可免费携带物品()。
A. 15kg B. 10kg C. 8kg D. 5kg 我来回答: 提交