The origin of man is an extremely
controversial issue. Scientists have a host of different theories pertaining to
man’s inhabitancy of earth. Many{{U}} (67) {{/U}}arise between
scientists who have different beliefs about how mankind arose. One such argument
is the conflict{{U}} (68) {{/U}}the theory of evolution versus the
theory of creation. After{{U}} (69) {{/U}}scientific researches in
various field, it is{{U}} (70) {{/U}}that the theory of evolution is
correct. Life arose by natural{{U}} (71) {{/U}}at an early stage of the
earth’s history and{{U}} (72) {{/U}}organisms developed from simpler
organisms by slow changes. In other words, new species arise from older species
after thousands of years of{{U}} (73) {{/U}}chemical, environmental, and
genetic change. Evolution can also be{{U}} (74) {{/U}}as the complex
processes by which A. excessive B. cohesive C. extensive D. exclusive [判断题]对于无明确标牌、无法确定使用年限的防喷器组、钻井四通等,试压合格后允许在高含硫油气井使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The nurse is caring for an elderly client who exhibits signs of dementia. The most common cause of dementia in an elderly client is()
A. delirium. B. depression. C. excessive drug use. D. Alzheimer’s disease. [简答题]湿热灭菌比干热灭菌好的原因有哪些?为什么用高压锅蒸汽灭菌需把灭菌锅内空气排除掉?
A. A.不工作 B.B.不作业 C.C.不出工 D.D.不开票 [单选题] 采用一步门架作为移动平台现场使用时,需满铺脚手板,高度不超过()m。万科上海区域安全文明施工标准做法手册
* A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [判断题]严禁受理个人账户开户(卡)申请或开通网银时,不按规定核实申请人意愿和身份信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]爆炸危险环境所选用的防爆电气设备的级别和组不应高于该场所内爆炸性混合物的集合和组别。
[多选题]人民警察义务和纪律的基本要求是( )。
A.秉公执法、办事公道 B.模范遵守社会公德 C.尊重人民群众的风俗习惯 D.礼貌待人、文明执勤 [单选题]以下()不属于《国家电网有限公司关于进一步加大安全生产违章惩处力度的通知》(国家电网安监〔2022〕106号)基本原则。
A.抓早抓小 B.四不放过 C.精准防控 D.铁腕治安 我来回答: 提交