{{B}} The
Truth about Lying{{/B}} Ricky Gervais’s new film, The Invention of Lying, is about a world where lying doesn’t exist, which means that everybody tells the truth, and everybody believes everything everybody else says. "I’ve always hated you," a man tells a work colleague. "He seems nice, if a bit fat," a woman says about her date. It’s all truth, all the time, at whatever the cost. Until one day, when Mark, a down-on-his-luck loser played by Gervais, discovers a thing called "lying" and what it can get him. Within days, Mark is rich. famous, and courting the girl of his dreams. And be cause nobody knows what "lying" is, he goes on, happily living what has become a complete and utter farce. It’s meant to be funny, but it’s also a more serious commentary on us all. As Americans, we like to think we value the truth. Time A. their food gets scarce B. their life is endangered C. they fight for more territory D. they move to a new habitat [单选题]以扩张阻力血管为主治疗心衰的药物是( )
A.卡托普利 B.硝苯地平 C.卡维地洛 D.硝酸甘油 E.硝普钠 [单项选择]转换式采血法储存的血液已达多长时间()。
A. 17天 B. 21天 C. 14天 D. 7天 E. 3天 [判断题]单机挂车在区间被迫停车后,开车前应确认附挂辆数和制动主管贯通状态是否良好。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]阅读下列材料,回答问题。
某教师在讲解时差时,设计了如下问题来引导学生自主学习: (1)某人于早晨8点15分从东八区的北京乘坐飞机起飞,飞行一小时到达东九区的东京,请问到达东京时是几时?反之,早8点15分从东京出发,到达北京时是几时? (2)中国横跨东五区至东九区共五个时区,而全国统一采用的是东八区“北京时间”,若北京人早8点上班,位于东六区的乌鲁木齐人早上几点上班合理? 请对该教师的教学设计进行评析。 [单选题]心脏的自律性是指
A.窦性节律 B.自律组织兴奋性 C.舒张期自动去极化 D.在整体内心脏的节律性舒缩 E.心肌细胞自动地发生节律性兴奋的特性 [单项选择]男性,70岁,糖尿病10年,以往无心悸,胸痛史,今日早餐后1小时,突然胸闷明显,面色苍白,烦躁,出汗恐惧感,2小时未缓解。查体:心率100次/分,血压86/70mmHg。最可能的诊断为()
A. 不典型心绞痛 B. 糖尿病酸中毒 C. 低血糖 D. 变异型心绞痛 E. 急性心肌梗死 [单项选择]You know you should do it, other people do it all the time. Maybe you’ve already done it but it wasn’t very satisfying, and you’d like to learn to do it better.
I’m talking, of course, about having a business lunch. Don’t feel embarrassed if you are uncomfortable with the idea of sitting over a grilled chicken breast, talking to a prospective client. Most inexperienced, overeager launchers believe the main purpose of a business lunch is to either (a) conduct business or (b) eat lunch, and they’re unsure how to mix the two. Don’t worry! Business lunches aren’t about either business or lunch, they’re about building relationships. One of my business rules is "People do business with people they like. " Often, it’s not products, prices, or the company that makes the sale—it’s the person Business lunches are the perfect time for you and your client, supplier, or employee to get to know each other as people. This helps establish common interests and makes working A. make a deal with the client B. order nice, expensive food C. be a good listener D. inquire after the client’s health [判断题] 由于事前已经通过压井建立了井筒平衡,所以钻修井换装井口作业可以不办理作业许可证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]熟人推荐的方法,适用的范围比较广,既适用一般人员,也适用于企业( )人才招聘。
A. 领导 B. 技术 C. 管理 D. 专业 [多项选择]房地产开发项目市场定位的策略包括()。
A. 避强定位 B. 迎头定位 C. 重点目标定位 D. 综合定位 E. 创新定位 [单选题]弘扬光荣传统和优良作风,实行( )的纪律、( )的组织,按照( )、( )标准建设,用铁的纪律打造铁的队伍,确保队伍服从命令、听从指挥,集中统一、步调一致。( )
A.严肃、严密 准现役、 军事化 B.严肃、严密 准现役、准军事化 C.严密、严肃 准现役 、军事化 D.严密、严肃 准现役、准军事化 [单选题]一旦联控通信中断,( )应立即命令所有作业人员下道。
A.质检员 B.质量员 C.现场防护员 D.作业负责人 [单项选择]According to the passage, the French government ______.
A. prohibited French workers to work abroad in a way B. reduced taxes to fight inflation C. paid family allowances and benefits D. prohibited the French workers to join labor unions [名词解释]借贷记帐法
[单选题]救生软梯一般长15m,重量小于15kg,荷载1000kg,每节梯磴荷载150kg,最多可载( )人。
A.1 B.2 C.4 D.8 [判断题]阀门安装前应清理干净,保持关闭状态,安装截止阀、止回阀及节流阀时应注意介质流动方向应符合制造厂设计规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]承包单位、劳务分包单位累计违章记分(每发生一起违章按标准记分一次)达到()分,纳入Ⅱ级“负面清单”管理,在相关地市公司级单位停工整顿,经地市公司组织验收合格后允许复工;
A.12 B.24 C.36 D.48 [多选题]下列路线中,属于G12珲乌高速公路的路段是( )。
A.长吉高速公路 B.长松高速公路 C.吉林市绕城高速公路南环 D.吉江高速公路 [多选题]员工在高温天气期间工作出现中暑症状时,应当立即采取救助措施,使其迅速脱离(),到通风阴凉处休息,供给(),进行急救治疗和必要的处理
A.高温环境 B.工作环境 C.防暑降温饮料 D.防暑降温药品 [判断题]火场供水作业时水带沿道路铺设时,应沿一侧平直铺设;穿越道路时,应设置水带护桥;人员不得站立于打圈水带之间,水带不得缠绕身体。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]保安员设置的隔离区属于( )。
A.临时性的 B.长期性的 C.短期性的 D.永久性的 [名词解释]社会本位论
[多项选择]下列儿茶素中属于酯型的是( )。
A. L-表没食子儿茶素 B. L-表儿茶素 C. L-表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯 D. L-表儿茶素没食子酸酯 [单选题]消防救援人员受警告处分的期间为:( )
A.一个月 B.三个月 C.六个月 D.十二个月 [单选题]下列属于司机在车场脱轨应急处理的是()
A.立即赶到现场,确认有无人员伤亡、是否影响邻线等,如有人员伤亡立即拨打 120;担任事故 (事件)处理主任(在抢险负责人到位后,由其接手处理),并将脱轨情况报行调 B.信号楼值班员按车场调度的要求封锁相关的线路 C.司机发现发生脱轨时,立即紧急制动停车并报车场调度 D.将现场情况告知车场派班员,并通知信号楼值班员封锁相关线路 我来回答: 提交