Many teachers believe that the
responsibities for learning lie with the student. {{U}} (56) {{/U}} a
long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be with the
{{U}} (57) {{/U}} in the reading even if they don’ t discuss it in class
or take an examination. The {{U}} (58) {{/U}} student is considered to be
{{U}} (59) {{/U}}who is motivated(激发) to learn for the sake of
{{U}} (60) {{/U}} , not the one interested only in getting high grades.
Sometimes homework is returned {{U}} (61) {{/U}} brief written comments
but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is {{U}} (62)
{{/U}} for learning the material assigned.-When research is {{U}} (63)
{{/U}}, the professor expects the student to take it actively and to
complete it with {{U}} (64) {{/U}} guidance. It is the {{U}} (65)
{{/U}} responsibility to find boo A. However B. Therefore C. Furthermore D. Nevertheless [单选题]凡实行寿命管理并有质量保证期的零部件在质保期内发生质量问题,由( )单位负责。
A.修理工厂 B.装车单位 C.车辆段 D.零部件生产商 [单选题]起重设备、吊索具和其他起重工具的工作负荷,不准超过()。
A.铭牌规定 B.起吊物的重量 C.起吊绳的荷载 D.吊钩的荷载 [简答题]按照康德的观点,知识的普遍性必然性从何而来?
A. 血尿 B. 长期低热 C. 高血压 D. 反复急性发作 E. 无症状性细菌尿 [简答题]依据埃里克森的人格发展理论,联系教育实际,谈谈在整个基础教育阶段教师应如何培养学生的健全人格。
A.3dB B.6dB C.8dB D.9dB [单项选择]According to the passage, the exchange of medical ideas between east and west started ________.
A. thousands of years ago B. decades of years ago C. a few years ago D. after the Second World War [判断题]297. 存贷通关联的借款人贷款可以是多种还款方式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 在办理冠字号码查询业务时。出现()情况.查询人可到当地人民银行分支机构提出诉讼
A.银行业金融机构受理人无正当理由不受理查询申请的。 B.因情况复杂银行业金融机构未在期限内完成查询.向申请人说明的 C.受理人在受理之日起三个工作日内办结查询事项。 D.银行业金融机构的冠字号码进行精确查询的 [单选题]基金中的基金是指( )以上的基金资产投资于其他基金份额的基金。
A.50% B.60% C.70% D.80% [单项选择]以下说法正确的是
A. 用γ值大的胶片比用γ值小的胶片获得的对比度高 B. X线量对X线照片对比度有直接影响 C. 灰雾对X线照片对比度没有影响 D. 管电压高低对X线照片的对比度没有影响 E. 观片灯的亮度对照片的光学对比度有影响 [填空题]Best Time Keeper
Waldo Wilcox knew there was trouble the moment he saw the mauled(受伤的)deer carcass, not far from one of the meadows where his cattle grazed. His dogs, Dink and Shortie, sensed it too—mountain lion. He grabbed his pistol and a rope from his truck, and said, "let’s get him". Then he headed up the mountainside, his hounds racing far ahead. Wilcox moved in long strides up the rocky grade. Still, it took some time before he topped the summit. The big cat was not 50 yards in front of him, its fangs(尖牙)bared, cornered by the dogs on a massive sandstone bluff. Wilcox gripped his gun. He hoped to take the mountain lion alive and sell it to a zoo. He’d done that before and made a tidy profit. Wilcox took quick aim, his pistol cracked, and there was a sudden silence as the animal fell limp to the ground. It wasn’t until the red dust had settled and Wilcox’s pulse had slowed that he gazed around. What he saw stunned him. High on the bluff lay an a [单选题]货车运用限度规定,货车车钩中心高度,最高为( )。
A.815mm B.835mm C.860mm D.890mm [多选题]接头夹板伤损达到下列哪些标准时应及时更换?( )
A.折断。 B.中间两螺栓孔范围内裂纹:正线、到发线有裂纹。其他站线平直及异型夹板超过5 mm,双头及鱼尾型夹板超过15 mm。 C.胶接绝缘夹板性能不良。 D.其他部位裂纹发展到螺栓孔 [多选题]建设工程项目管理职能分工表,应该明确建设项目的()等单位。
A.决策 B.执行 C.主办 D.协办 E.检查 [单项选择]绿豆:豌豆( )。
A. 家具;灯具 B. 猴子:树木 C. 鲨鱼:鲸鱼 D. 香瓜:西瓜 [多项选择]眼外伤应正确处理,是因为______
A. 眼外伤不常见 B. 后果通常严重 C. 眼外伤常造成视功能障碍 D. 眼外伤并发症较多 E. 交感性眼炎的威胁 [简答题] 平原地区拟建某化工厂,以乙烯和乙酸乙烯为原料生产乙烯—乙酸乙烯(EVA)共聚物,年产量为6万t,主要原料及公用工程均依托于总公司。表1为项目的核定排放量,表2为危险源识别表,表3为乙烯-乙酸乙烯工程的物料平衡表