Learning How to Learn $ 22
The Basic Study Guidebook $ 36 Read this book and learn: What the three barriers (障碍) to study are and what to do about them What to do if you are tired of a subject Children read it to improve the ability to study. |
How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children $ 35 Read this book and learn: How to look up words in a dictionary What the diffe A. sell these books to the children B. help children learn English C. help children learn about nature D. use a dictionary to pronounce correctly [单选题]Text 2 Obesity used to be regarded as a disease of afiluent societies.In a sense,of course,this is true:you cannot be obese if you cannot afford enough calories.But we now understand that the story is more complex,and that children from low-income groups are more likely to be obese than those from the highest-income groups.Our understanding of sleep deprivation has yet to see a similar evolution.Almost half the British population say they get six hours'sleep a night or less,compared with around a twelfth in 1942.Experts blame developments such as electriiication and the proliferation of entertainment,one neuroscientist went so far as to warn of a"catastrophic sleep-loss epidemic"recently.We need sleep for mental and physical recovery;for cognitive control,memory and leaming.Sleep loss is associated with everything from obesity and Alzheimer's disease to diabetes and poor mental health.Sleep evangelists(布i道者)such as Arianna Huffington portray a world of busy professionals sending emails into the early hours,teenagers watching televisions in their bedrooms and parents shopping online when they should be winding down.The solutions are obvious,even if we struggle to find the discipline to implement them:turn offyour phone and for goodness sake go to bed..The truth is that poorer people sleep worse.You cannot buy sleep itself,but you must pay for the circumstances likely to induce it.Overcrowded,noisy,cold or unsafe housing makes sleep harder.So does shift work-especially ifit is casualised and unpredictable.Poor nutrition and stress also take their toll.We worried about reaching for our smartphone at night,while those making the devices sleep on hard beds in shared dormitories with coworkers clattering to and fro,as Benjamin Reiss observes in his book Wild Nights."Social inequities are reproduced and even multiplied in sleep,"he writes;children in bad housing will struggle to concentrate in class after a poor night's sleep.The gap is racial too.Lauren Hale,an expert on social patrerns of sleep,notes that fewer black people get the recommended amount of sleep than any other ethnic group in the U.S.,and less of it is the most restorative kind.Racism may itself affect sleep,perhaps because of the stress it causes;African Americans who report discrimination are more likely to say they sleep poorly than those who do not.Sleep is a social justice issue,requiring social solutions.Telling people to cut down on coffee is easy;improving labour laws is harder.But when people's sleep problems reflect their lack of control over their lives,telling them they should change how they live is profoundly unhelpful.30.From the last paragraph,which of the following is odd about sleep-loss?
A.It reflects social inequities. B.It leads to bad concentration. C.It shows the issue of social justice. D.It demonstrates a lack of self-control. [单选题]氧气检测应设定缺氧报警和富氧报警两级检测报警值,缺氧报警值应设定为()%。
A.19.5 B.20.9 C.23.5 [单项选择]受教育者学习、修养和内在化的客体是( )。
A. 德育规律 B. 德育原则 C. 德育内容 D. 德育方法 [单项选择]某建设项目合同金额为2 500万元,合同中要求承包人以银行保函的形式向发包人提交履约担保,则该履约保函的金额一般为( )万元。
A. 50 B. 125 C. 250 D. 750 [判断题]氧气软管和乙炔软管可以混用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]设备安装作业包括锅炉设备安装。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]建设项目需要配套建设的环境保护设施,必须与主体工程()。
A.同时设计 B.同时施工 C. 同时投产使用 D.同时购买设备 [单选题]3.528. 第528题解决月份之间线损率波动大的主要办法是( )。——
A. 增加无功补偿装置 B. 提高设备健康水平 C. 改善电压质量 D. 提高月末及月末日24点抄见电量比重 [单项选择]血栓闭塞性脉管炎患肢护理错误的是( )
A. 止痛 B. 保持足部清洁干燥 C. 测皮温,观察病变发展 D. 保暖防寒,过凉可用热水袋加温 E. 做好心理护理和健康指导 [判断题]“货物损失速报”第三项是:(三)发站、到站、货物名称、承运日期。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于非淋菌性尿道炎的治疗原则,不正确的是
A. 早期诊断,早期治疗 B. 及时、足量、规则治疗 C. 不同病情采用不同的治疗方案 D. 同时治疗性伴 E. 抗衣原体、支原体、真菌联合用药 [单项选择]甲、乙二人各以40%与60%的份额共有一间房屋,出租给丙。现甲欲将自己的份额转让,请问下列表述中哪一说法是正确的( )
A. 乙有优先购买权,丙没有优先购买权 B. 丙有优先购买权,乙没有优先购买权 C. 乙、丙都有优先购买权,两人处于平等地位 D. 乙、丙都有优先购买权,乙的优先购买权优先于丙的优先购买权 [单项选择]我国第一家专业化物业管理公司的成立标志着我国在物业管理道路上()
A. 迈出了第一步 B. 迅速发展 C. 逐渐成熟 D. 完全成熟 [判断题]智能电表采用低功耗设计,降低了电网线损。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]对建设项目或生产经营单位存在的职业危险、有害因素进行安全评价时,一般应遵循的程序是()。
A. 申请安全监督部门批准 B. 现场勘查、资料收集 C. 危险识别和定性、定量分析 D. 提出安全对策措施、形成结论报告 [简答题]如果你做的一项工作受到上级领导的表扬,但你主管领导却说是他做的,你会怎样?
A.合开; B.拆开; C.分开; D.断开; [单选题]理想信念的实践性是指人们的理想信念( )。
A..在阶级社会里会打上阶级的烙印 B..是一种纯粹的主观现象和静止的精神状态 C..存在于人的内心深处,属于一种精神现象 D..包含着人们的行动意志,是一种从精神向行动的转变过程 [判断题]降低价格一定会使供给量下降。
[单选题]根据《电力安全工作规程 风电场》( Q/GDW 10799.5—2017),动火工作票经批准后由( )送交工作许可人。
A.动火工作票签发人 B.工作负责人 C.消防管理负责人 D.技术负责人 [单选题]党政主要负责人要履行推进()第一责任人职责,统筹推进科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法。
A.党的建设 B.党风廉政建设 C.意识形态工作 D.法治建设 [判断题] 一级重要电力客户应采用双电源供电,两路电源应当来自两个不同的变电站或来自不同电源进线的同一变电站内两段母线,当一路电源发生故障时,另一路电源能保证独立正常供电。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当安全阀出现渗漏迹象时,可以采用增加载荷的方法消除阀的泄漏。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]计算机网络的主要功能有( )。
A. 资源共享 B. 信息传递 C. 分布处理 D. 协同商务 [名词解释]思维主体知识结构
[单项选择]Ben and Ann are among 7 contestants from which 4 semifinalists are to be selected. Of the different possible selections, how many contain neither Ben nor Ann ?()
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 14 E. 21 [单选题]伤寒肠出血常发生的时期是
A.潜伏期 B.初期 C.极期 D.缓解期 E.恢复期 我来回答: 提交