The media can impact current events. As
a graduate student at Berkeley in the 1960s, I remember experiencing the events
related to the People’s Park that were occurring on campus. Some of these events
were given national media coverage in the press and on TV. I found it
interesting to compare my impressions of what was going on with perceptions
obtained from the news media. I could begin to see events of that time feed on
news coverage. This also provided me with some healthy insights into the
distinctions between these realities. Electronic media are having a greater impact on the people’s lives every day. People gather more and more of their impressions from representations. Television and telephone communications are linking people to a global village, or what one writer calls the electronic city. Consider the informa A. Berkeley B. Earth C. Los Angeles D. San Francisco [单项选择]以下关于离子交换器再生过程中反洗的描述错误的是()
A. 可以清除树脂床上的固体杂质 B. 使树脂床疏松 C. 不是每次再生过程都需要进行的 D. 一般需要10-20min [单选题]民用照明电路电压是以下哪种?
A.直流电压220伏 B.交流电压28Q伏 C.交流电压220伏 [判断题]若将无形资产划归为持有待售,则应停止摊销。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 防雷引下线不应少于两根,并应沿建筑物四周均匀或对称布置,若用铜导线,其截面不小于()m㎡。
A.16 B.10 C.6 [判断题]根据规定,首次公开发行股票的公司及其保荐机构应通过向询价对象询价的方式确定股票发行价格.
[单选题]在半径小于12m的弯道上,在内轨的内侧应装设护轮轨,且应使护轮轨高出主轨( )mm。
A.A、10~15 B.B、15~20 C.C、20~25 [单选题]下列哪种药物可用于各期慢性收缩性心力衰竭
A.地高辛 B.ACE抑制剂 C.β受体阻滞剂 D.利尿剂 [单项选择]遏止医疗费用急剧上涨的治本措施是()
A. 行为和生活方式干预 B. 提高医务人员素质 C. 降低慢性病的流行 D. 扩大医院诊疗范围 E. 推广先进医疗技术 [单选题]加强社会保障体系建设,坚持房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的定位,加快建立( )的住房制度,让全体人民住有所居。
A.多主体供给、多渠道保障、租购并举 B.多主体供给、多部门监管、租购并举 C.多样化保障、多渠道保障、租购并举 D.多样化保障、多部门监管、租购并举 我来回答: 提交