In our society the razor of necessity
cuts close. You must make a buck to survive the day. You must work to make a
buck. The job is often a chore, rarely a delight. No matter how demeaning the
task, no matter how it dulls the senses or breaks the spirit, one must work.
Lately there has been a questioning of this "work ethic", especially by the
young. Strangely enough, it has touched off profound grievances in others
hitherto silent and anonymous. Unexpected precincts are being heard from in a show of discontent by blue collar and white. On the evening bus the tense, pinched faces of young file clerks and elderly secretaries tell us more than we care to know. On the expressways middle-management men pose without grace behind their wheels, as they flee city and job. In all, there is more than a slight ache. And there dangles A. there is a shortage of daily necessities B. people fight each other for necessities C. most people feel the financial pressure D. everyone lives a hard life [单选题]《价规》中,特定运价是对一些特殊运输方式和特殊运价区段而制定的( )。
A.行李运价 B.客运运价 C.包裹运价 D.旅客票价 [判断题]动车组运用检修工作涉及多部门、多工种,必须加强统一领导、明确职责,既分工负责又协调联动,形成动车组运用检修一体化管理体系。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]【HM】 汽轮机负胀差偏大时如何调节?
[单选题]资格证书有效期满需要延期的,建筑施工特种作业人员应当于期满前 3 个月内向( )申请办理延期复核手续。
A.省级建筑主管部门 B.县级建筑主管部门 C.原考核发证机关 D.工商管理部门 [判断题]174. Optix155/622H设备STG板的作用是为设备提供系统时钟。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一中年男子,有高血压和心绞痛,临床表现为冠心病。如病人心肌已有梗死灶出现,此时201T1心肌显像的心肌放射性分布可表现为()
A. 运动相正常,再分布缺损 B. 运动相缺损,再分布异常增高 C. 运动相异常增高,再分布异常缺损 D. 运动相异常缺损,再分布异常缺损 E. 运动相和再分布均有异常增高 [单项选择]Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.[A] He had much trouble with his pronunciation. [C] No one can understand him.
[B] He began studying English too early. [D] He knew nothing about English. [单选题]A-A-004 4 2 3
《铁路安全管理条例》第七条规定:任何单位或者个人发现损坏或者非法占用铁路设施设备、铁路标志、铁路用地以及其他影响铁路安全的行为,有权报告铁路运输企业,或者向( )举报。 A. 其他有关部门 B. 铁路监管部门、公安机关 C. 公安机关或者其他有关部门 D. 铁路监管部门、公安机关或者其他有关部门 [单选题]数据双向传输不能同时进行的通信模式叫( )。[232000000]
A.全双工 B.单向通信 C.半双工 D.混合通信 我来回答: 提交