To most Africans, tribalism simply
means very strong loyalty to one’s ethnic group. It is a force that Can be both
good and bad. By definition tribalism means sharing among members of the
extended family. It makes sure that a person is taken care of by his own group.
To give a job to a fellow tribesman is not wrong; it is an obligation.
Similarly, for a politician or military leader it is considered good common
sense to choose his closest adviser from people of his own tribe. This ensures
security, continuity, authority. Tribal loyalty may mean a quick promotion--from
sergeant to captain, from clerk to manager—within a very short time. Modern African politicians publicly speak out against tribal divisions. Yet it remains perhaps the most powerful force in day-to-day African life. As evidence of tribalism, in 1977 in Ken A. "a force that can be both good and bad" B. "very strong loyalty to one’s ethnic group" C. "tribal loyalty may mean a quick promotion" D. it is important to be loyal to one’s own tribal group [单选题]牵出线换算容车数计算方法:按线路有效长减去一台机车长度及( )m安全距离后,分别除以换算长度11m和14.3m。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.50 [简答题]杂草群落与环境因子之间的关系
A. 饮食停滞 B. 肝胃不和 C. 肝脾不调 D. 脾胃虚寒 E. 寒凝气滞 [单选题]企业安全风险等级一般分为重大风险、较大风险、一般风险和()。
A.特别重大风险 B.无风险 C.高风险 D.低风险 [单选题]搭设脚手架时,一定要按规定做好( )支撑和拉结。
A.相应 B.临时 C.全部 [填空题]A large proportion of the studies of behavior used animals as subjects, especially pigeons, rats, and rabbits. There are a number of reasons why researchers in this field frequently choose to conduct their experiments with nonhuman subjects. First of all, the possibility of a placebo effect is minimized with animal subjects. 46)Whereas a human subject’’s behavior may be drastically altered by the knowledge that he or she is being observed, this is unlikely with animal subjects because most studies with animal subjects are conducted in such a way that the animal does not know its behavior is being monitored and recorded. Furthermore, it is unlikely that an animal subject will be motivated either to please or displease the experimenter, a motive that can ruin a study with human subjects. A second reason for using animal subjects is convenience. The species most commonly used as subjects are easy and inexpensive to care for, and animals of a specific age and sex can be obtained in any qua
A. 兴趣 B. 有趣 C. 乐趣 D. 志趣 [单选题]制作烤牛外脊要先把牛外脊加工整齐,再抹均( )。
A.芥末酱 B.酸奶油 C.鲜奶油 D.盐和胡椒粉 [简答题]《聊斋志异》中的《促织》说的是将那种昆虫放在一起相互撕咬作为娱乐活动?
[单选题]避雷器电阻测试试验时,电压达到35kV及以下,电阻不低于( )
A.A.500MΩ B.B.800MΩ C.C.1000MΩ D.D.1200MΩ [单项选择]托运人一次托运的货物在3t(含3t)以下,但其性质、体积、形状需要一辆3t及以上汽车运输的,称为()。
A. 整车运输 B. 零担运输 C. 集装运输 D. 包车运输 [判断题] 对应当退还原主的财物,通知原主在6个月内来领取;原主不明确的,应当采取公告方式告知原主认领
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高处作业人员应衣着灵便,衣袖、裤脚应扎紧,穿(),并正确佩戴个人防护用具。
A.皮鞋 B.平底鞋 C.绝缘靴 D.软底防滑鞋 [判断题]充入溴化锂吸收式机组的冷剂水可直接采用自来水或地下水。
A. 发生于两侧大脑前动脉供血区交界处的梗死 B. 发生于大脑前动脉和大脑中动脉供血区交界处的梗死 C. 发生于大脑中动脉和大脑后动脉供血区交界处的梗死 D. 发生于大脑中动脉皮质支和深穿支边缘带的梗死 E. 发生于大脑前动脉皮质支和深支交界区的梗死 [简答题]为什么电压互感器一次侧的熔断器不可用普通熔体代替?
A. 春节 B. 三月三 C. 三月街 D. 三朵节 [多项选择]产品数据管理把所有的文档分为以下哪几种进行管理()
A. 图形文件 B. 文本文件 C. 数据文件 D. 表格文件 E. 多媒体文件 F. 模型文件 [单选题]下列哪项属于抗缺氧间歇运动训练方法( )。
A. 折返跑 B. 长跑 C. 接力跑 D. 变速跑 [多项选择]发展才是硬道理,这一命题的内涵是()
A. 中国发展得越强大,世界和平越靠得住 B. 最终说服不相信社会主义的人要靠我们的发展 C. 中国解决所有问题的关键是要靠自己的发展 D. 善于把握时机来解决我们的发展问题 [判断题]发生屏蔽门故障时,要按照“先通车后恢复”的原则进行处理,在保证安全的前提下,确保客车正点进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述运动性昏厥。
[单项选择]CCD芯片的像素数目和分辨率是数码相机的重要性能指标,两者具有密切的关系,例如,对于一个80万象素的数目相机,它所拍摄的照片的分辨率最高为( )。
A. 1280×1024 B. 800×600 C. 1024×768 D. 1600×1200 我来回答: 提交