In an article some Chinese scholars are
described as being "tantalized by the mysterious dragon bone hieroglyphics."
Tantalized is one of many English words that have their origins in myths and
legends of the past (in this case, Greek and Roman ones). The meaning of the
verb tantalize is a very particular one : "to promise or show something
desirable to a person and then take it away; to tease by arousing hope." Many
(but not all) English dictionaries give you a brief indication of a word’s
origins in brackets before or after the explanation of the meaning. For
tantalize the following explanation is given: [>Tantalus]. This means that you
should look up the name Tantalus to find out the word’s origins, and if you do,
you will find out that in Greek mythology, Tantalus was a king who was punished
in the lower A. Jovial. B. Wednesday. C. Earth. D. March. [单项选择]以下属于商品林的是()。
A. 用材林 B. 防护林 C. 特用林 D. 生态林 [单选题]李爷爷,80岁,有排便冲动,腹部胀痛,肛门处有少量液化的粪便渗出,但不能排出粪便,老人发生的排便异常是( )
A.腹泻 B.大便失禁 C.粪便嵌塞 D.便秘 E.肠胀气 [判断题]信号楼值守人员通知现场作业人员时注意确认其复诵无误。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Quite a few (experiment) ______ tests have been done, but none of them could help to cure the patient.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]热辐射和光辐射的区别在于( )。
A.光辐射服从反射和折射定律,热辐射不服从反射和折射定律 B.光辐射不服从反射和折射定律,热辐射服从反射和折射定律 C.光辐射和热辐射的波长范围不同 D.光辐射能在均一介质中作直线传播,而热辐射不能在均一介质中作直线传播 [多选题]信息学是现代信息技术的核心,( )是现代信息技术的典型代表。
A.半导体技术 B.微电子技术 C.集成电路技术 D.通信技术 E.计算机技术 [多选题]心肺复苏术操作是否正确,主要靠平时严格训练,掌握正确的方法。而在急救中判断复苏是否有效,可以根据以下()、出现自主呼吸几方面综合考虑。
A.瞳孔 B.面色(口唇 C.颈动脉搏动 D.神志 E.略 F.略 [单选题]当耦合电容器内部有放电声或异常声响增大时,应远离设备进行观察,及时报告()停运
A.工区领导 B.运行人员 C.运维负责人 D.调控人员 [多选题]刮板输送机链条的布置方式有()。
A.A、边单链 B.B、中单链 C.C、边双链 D.D、中双链 我来回答: 提交