In almost all cases the soft parts of
fossils are gone for ever but they were fitted around or within the hard parts.
Many of them also were attached to the hard parts and usually such attachments
are visible as depressed or elevated areas, ridges or grooves, smooth or rough
patches on the hard parts. The muscles most important for the activities of the
animal and most evident in the appearance of the living animal are those
attached to the hard parts and possible to reconstruct from their attachments.
Much can be learned about a vanished brain from the inside of the skull in which
it was lodged. Restoration of the external appearance of an extinct animal has little or no scientific value. It does not even help in inferring what the activities of the living animal were, how fast it could run, what its food was, or such other conclusi A. satisfy popular curiosity. B. answer scientific questions. C. establish its activities. D. determine its eating habits. [判断题]本行根据不同的交易渠道、认证方式,设定个人电子银行业务的交易限额。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]授权采购是指因()采购需求,由公司总部和各单位授权下一级单位组织的一种实施模式。
A.金额大且需求集中 B.需求零星、专业特殊、地域限制等原因 C.不具备集中实施条件 D.集中实施采购不符合效率效益原则的 [单项选择]当客户信息发生修改时,不需要经过核准的()
A. 客户基本信息 B. 客户证件信息 C. 客户财务信息 D. 客户地址信息 [单项选择]泰勒是科学管理的创始人,他创立了()。通过改进操作方法,科学地制定劳动定额;采用标准化,极大地提高了效率、降低了成本。
A. 时间研究 B. 动作研究 C. 甘特图 D. 工序图 [单选题]六一散方中滑石与甘草的比例是
A.6:1 B.1:6 C.3:1 D.1:3 E.5:1 [多项选择]当汇票到期被拒绝付款时,持票人可以对下列哪些人行使追索权
A. 前手背书人 B. 付款人 C. 保证人 D. 出票人 [多项选择]根据我国《合同法》的规定,要约表示应当符合( )的规定。
A. 内容具体确定 B. 要约是一种行为 C. 承担责任 D. 表明经受合同的承诺 E. 表明经受要约人承诺,要约人要受到要约的约束 我来回答: 提交