Coca-Cola has been operating
internationally for most of its 100 year history. Today the company has
operations in 160 countries and employs over 400,000 people. The firm’s human
resource management (HRM) strategy helps to explain a great deal of its success.
In one recent year Coca-Cola transferred more than 300 professional and
managerial staff from one country to another under its leadership development
program, and the number o A. (A) The history of the Coca-Cola company. B. (B) Coca-Cola’s employee development strategies. C. (C) The future of Coca-Cola’s international profits. D. (D) Coca-Cola’s college recruitment program. [填空题] Listening to others is an even more important part of communication than speaking. Many more errors and difficulties 【B1】 misunderstanding what you’’ve heard, so it’’s essential to ready yourself to listen with an open mind. Like many of us, you 【B2】 to listen actively, with 【B3】 for accuracy, feeling, meaning, understanding and mutual creativity. You may never have been trained to 【B4】 the other person’’s experience of being understood. 【B5】 you may not 【B6】 that others really hear the message you intend to communicate, others don’’t check to 【B7】 that what you heard is 【B8】 .
What gets in the way of accurate listening When we’’re worried about what we’’re hearing or might hear next or what we might have to do about what we hear, we may very well receive a 【B9】 message. 【B10】 that we will have to "fix it" or "control it" causes us to listen with "filters". We may want to express our own point of view. We may also want to avoid being 【B11】 or being drawn into a conflict, so w
A. A.Provided B.Given C.Concern D.Assume [单项选择]3岁男孩,自幼蹲位排尿,阴茎发育小,向下弯曲,尿道口位于阴茎根部与阴囊交界处,双侧阴囊内可触及正常睾丸。如为尿道下裂,则其分型标准是:( )
A. 染色体检查 B. 合并畸形多少 C. 尿道外口位置 D. 阴茎弯曲程度 E. 血睾酮水平 [单项选择]The article {{U}}sketched {{/U}} the major events of the decade.
A. described B. offered C. outlined D. presented [判断题]当盾构机的姿态处在轴线左边时,在纠偏时首先要提高盾构机右侧分区千斤顶的推力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]病历摘要:患者男性,46岁,一年以来间中出现上腹部疼痛,呈烧灼感,伴口苦,经当地门诊服用清热制酸药物后,症状无缓解,近1月来疼痛隐隐而频繁,受寒及进食寒凉食物后明显,伴胃脘部喜温喜按,反酸,纳差,偶有恶心,大便时溏。舌淡苔白,脉缓弱。该病人目前当属何证?()
A. 胃痛肝气犯胃 B. 胃痛寒邪客胃 C. 胃痛饮食积滞 D. 胃痛脾胃虚寒 E. 腹痛脾胃虚寒 F. 腹痛湿热内蕴 [单项选择]原建设部发布了《注册房地产估价师管理办法》(原建设部令第151号)于()起施行。
A. 2006年6月1日 B. 2006年12月1日 C. 2007年3月1日 D. 2007年6月1日 [判断题]企业发行股票所支付的手续费一般通过“财务费用”科目核算。
[判断题]C-A-001 3 1 3
UPS按其工作方式分为离线式、在线式、在线交互式、静态方式。 A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交