Many people like to make a good
impression on other people. This is true when they go to a meeting or go out
with their friends. Dressing well is one of the ways of making a good
impression. Different countries have different ideas of dressing well. In the United States, people think that it is better to dress simply and suitably. For example, ball-dresses are not suitable for school or for work. They do not wear heavy clothing in summer, nor would it be comfortable. Dressing with too many colors is not a good taste. Simple clothes are easy to find and they can be bought cheaply, too. They are always in good taste. Simple and suitable clothing is worth having for children, too. A little girl does not feel comfortable when she is wearing a party dress and all the other girls in school are wearing plain sweaters (毛线衫) A. good tastes B. dressing in America C. simple clothes D. good impression [判断题]在有感应电压的线路上测量绝缘电阻时,应采取可靠绝缘措施后方可进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]个人身份证保管不善会对您的个人信用报告产生哪些不良影响()。
A. 被他人冒用贷款 B. 被他人冒用提供担保 C. 被他人冒用办卡 D. 被他人冒用查询个人信用报告的信息 [单选题]根据《民法通则》的规定,代理人( ),丧失代理权。
A.不履行职责 B.串通第三人给被代理人造成损害 C.做出超越代理权的行为 D.法人终止 [单项选择]关于公司债券,下列说法错误的是( )。
A. 低利附息债券比高利附息债券的内在价值要高 B. 流通性好的债券比流通性差的债券具有较高的内在价值 C. 信用越低的债券,投资者要求的收益率越高,债券的内在价值就越高 D. 具有较高提前赎回可能性的债券具有较高的票面利率,其内在价值较低 [单选题]普通单开道岔内的两组绝缘接头相错不得大于()。
A.2m B.2.5m C.3m D.3.5m [单选题]沃云A的云服务器ECS产品支持的多线BGP接入,解决的主要问题是:
A.提升全网内容分发效率 B.避免跨运营商的网络访问的速度瓶颈 C.解决网络边界内容缓存的问题 D.其他都是 [单选题]最严重的的恶性通货膨胀的最终结果是
A. 突发性的商品抢购 B. 挤兑银行 C. 货币制度崩溃 D. 投机盛行 [简答题]关某是个体工商户。11月5日,县工商局突然以关某进行偷税、漏税、收售假冒伪劣产品为由,吊销了关某的营业执照,并在当日给关某送达了处罚决定书,决定书上日期是10月10日。11月12日,关某向市工商局申请复议,市工商局以超过复议期限为由不予受理。
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