The "modest" success of an HIV "vaccine
(疫苗) clinical trial in Thailand is turning out to be even more modest than
originally advertised. Full details of the study, released in Paris, show that the vaccine provides no protection to people at the highest risk of HIV infection. In people at lower risk, the benefits may start to decrease after a year. Furthermore, when the results of the three-year experiment are analyzed using alternative methods, the protective effect falls short of formal statistical significance. Despite the new warning, many AIDS researchers say the findings are still important. Some other observers, however, think the results have been oversold in a potentially damaging way. Initial results of the RV144 trial were revealed through a press release and interviews in late September. The pres A. Approval. B. Indifferent. C. Suspicious. D. Critical. [判断题]乙炔是三大合成材料工业重要的基本原料之一,可生产塑料、橡胶纤维等化工产品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当电缆导体上通过接地故障电流时,回流线为电缆金属护套起了( )作用。
A.合流 B.分流 C.回流 D.分支 [单选题]酸性、碱性尿液中均可出现的结晶有
A.尿酸结晶 B.草酸钙结晶 C.磷酸盐结晶 D.尿酸铵结晶 E.碳酸盐结晶 [单项选择]咳嗽、咳脓痰伴咯血、杵状指常见于
A. 支气管扩张症 B. 肺炎球菌肺炎 C. 肺结核 D. 胸膜炎 E. 肺水肿 [单项选择]下列哪种药不是冬眠合剂I号:()
A. 氯丙嗪 B. 异丙嗪 C. 乙酰丙嗪 D. 哌替啶 [单选题]甲企业采用偿债基金法计提折旧。若A设备的原值为180万元,使用年限为5年,预计净残值为20万元,假定平均利率为8%,则A设备的年折旧额为( )万元。已知:(F/
A.27.27 B.40.07 C.45.08 D.30.68 [单项选择]关于氯胺消毒法的优点叙述错误的是( )。
A. 氯胺消毒作用比游离氯快 B. 氯胺消毒的氯嗅味和氯酚味小 C. 氯胺的稳定性好 D. 在氯的替代消毒剂中,氯胺消毒法的费用最低 [单选题]外汇人身保险不包括下列哪项?
A. 境内个人跨境的短期健康保险 B. 境内个人的意外伤害保险 C. 境外个人的短期健康保险 D. 境外个人的意外伤害保险 [单项选择]对于核心系统个人客户协议的申请、修改均为()日生效。
A. 当日, B. 次日, C. 即时, D. 第三天。 [单项选择]
In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. Conversation One 我来回答: 提交