Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. Americans are a very energetic and mobile people,always on the run,rushing from one appointment to another,from a PTA(Parent-Teacher Association)meeting to a social planning committee. They have very little time to spend preparing elaborate(精致的,复杂的)everyday meals to be eaten at leisure. In many homes it is rare for the whole family to sit down at supper together. Clubs and committees force them to grab a quick meal rather than a sit-down supper. When they do have the chance to eat at home,often the working housewife prefers to prepare meals that can be quickly heated and consumed. It is no wonder,therefore,that America has become a shelter for fast food consumption. This great transformation occurred after World War Ⅱ when m A. in the dinning room B. in the living room C. in the grocery stores D. in the fast food chains [多选题]《合同法》规定,合同转让是指因合同主体变更而发生的合同权利义务的转移,包括哪两种情形()。
A. 债权转让 B. 债务转移 C. 股权转让 D. 以上都不对 [判断题]柴油机中活塞离曲轴中心最小距离的位置称为上止点。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]炎性假瘤的特点不包括()
A. 可主要累及眶内单一组织,也可广泛累及眶内软组织 B. 成人多单眼发病,小儿多双眼发病 C. 纤维增生型炎症表现更重 D. 累及泪腺时,可出现眼眶外上方肿物、眼睑结膜充血水肿 E. 眼肌受累时,肌腱也增粗肿胀 [单选题]、输卵管结扎术的部位是( )
A.输卵管漏斗 B.输卵管子宫部 C.输卵管壶腹部 D.输卵管狭部 E.腹膜腔内 [单项选择]国外17世纪以后发展起来的具有现代意义的社会调查研究,曾先后出现了以()为基础的两种类型。
A. 人本主义和实证主义 B. 唯心主义和唯物主义 C. 辩证法和唯物主义 D. 历史主义和唯心主义 [填空题]锅炉烟道有泄漏响声,省煤器后排烟温度降低,两侧烟温、风温偏差大,给水流量不正常地大于蒸汽流量,炉膛负压减少,此故障是( )。
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