High oil prices have not yet produced an economic shock among consuming countries, but further rises, especially sharp (1) , would undoubtedly hurt the world economy, and (2) would inevitably harm producers, too. Beyond this obvious point, (3) , higher prices could even do harm to both oil firms and producers.
Big oil firms (4) rolling in money today, but that disguises the fact that their longer-term prospects are (5) . Behind the reserves-accounting scandal at Royal Dutch/ Shell (6) a problem bedevilling all of the majors: replacing their dwindling reserves. (7) existing fields in Alaska and the North Sea are rapidly declining, OPEC countries and Russia are (8) them out. (9) they are to survive in the long term, the big oil firms must embrace other sources of energy (10) oil.
(11) it is to believe, higher oil prices could be bad news for producing countries (12) . Political leade
A. preventing
B. shutting
C. closing
D. keeping
Anthropologists, psychologists and
others have begun seeking the roots of ambition in family, culture, gender,
genes and more. They have by no means thrown the curtain all the way back, but
they have begun to part it. If humans are an ambitious species, it’s clear we’re not the only one. Many animals are known to signal their ambitious tendencies almost from birth. Even before wolf pups are weaned, they begin sorting themselves out into alphas and all the others. The alphas are quicker, more curious, greedier for space, milk, Mom--and they stay that way for life. Alpha wolves wander widely, breed annually and may live to a geriatric 10 or 11 years old. Lower-ranking wolves enjoy none of these benefits--staying close to home, breeding rarely and usually dying before they’re four. Humans often report the same kind of temperament A. animals in contrast to humans B. animals with ambition C. wolves of high and low ranks D. wolves with different lifespans [单项选择]根据《特种设备安全监察条例》的规定,特种设备使用单位对在用特种设备应当至少( )进行一次自行检查,并作出记录。
A. 每天 B. 每周 C. 每月 D. 每旬 [多项选择]舵回路的基本组成包括().
A. 放大器 B. 反馈装置 C. 舵面 D. 舵机 [判断题]禁止用手直接拉、推导线。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]救援联控时间隔超过 秒,默认联控中断。
A. 投标之前 B. 中标之前 C. 开工之前 D. 中标之后 [多选题]促胃液素的生理作用有( )。
A.刺激胃黏膜细胞增生 B.刺激壁细胞分泌盐酸 C.抑制主细胞分泌胃蛋白酶原 D.刺激胰液、胆汁和肠液分泌 [判断题]油浸式电压互感器按其结构可分为普通式和串级式。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交