该患者在行手术治疗时,应取的体位是() Many people invest in the stock market
hoping to find the next Microsoft and Dell. However, I know {{U}} (31)
{{/U}} personal experience how difficult this really is. For more than a
year, I was {{U}} (32) {{/U}} hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars
a day in investing in the market. It seemed so easy, I dreamed of {{U}} (33)
{{/U}} my job at the end of the year, of buying a small apartment in Paris,
of traveling around the world. But these dreams {{U}} (34) {{/U}} to a
sudden and dramatic end when a stock I {{U}} (35) {{/U}}, Texas cellular
pone wholesaler, fell by more than 75 per cent {{U}} (36) {{/U}} a one
year period. On the {{U}} A. ferociously B. radically C. much D. up [多选题]熄灯巡视重点检查项目( )
A.引线、接头、线夹有无发热 B.引线摆动情况,有无断股、散股 C.均压环及绝缘子是否倾斜、断裂 D.外绝缘有无放电现象 [填空题]Industrial safety does not just happen. Companies ________ low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them ________ and active. When the work is well done, a ________ of accident-free operations is established ________ time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.
Successful safety programs may ______ greatly in the emphasis placed on certain aspects of the program. Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by ______ roles or regulations. ______ others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker. But, there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained.
There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial standpoint alone, safety ________ . The fewer the injury ________ , the better the workman’’s insurance rate. This may mean the difference between operating at ________ or at a loss.
A. A.alive B.vivid C.mobile D.diverse [简答题]煤矿安全生产标准化考核定级的程序中,公式监督是如何规定的?
[单选题]根据《中国农业发展银行外聘律师管理办法(2014年修订)》(农发银发〔2014〕236号)规定,总行、省级分行备选律师库内律师事务所或律师不少于( )家(名)。
A.2 B.3 C.5 D.7 [单项选择]For the first time in history, evolution has taken a backseat. There is an ongoing realization that human beings are capable of directly shaping their own evolution. As we ease into the twenty- first century, we realize that genetic enginee-ring is undoubtedly going to have a dramatic (67) on our lives. It seems that with genetic engineering, science has moved from (68) the natural world to redesigning it. Now we must ask ourselves (69) this influence will be for better or for worse. However, scientists remain (70) in their opinions. Some have (71) against the hazards of genetic engineering, (72) others have dismissed these perils as inconsequential. Lewis Wolpert, professor of biology at University College London, says, "There are no ethical (73) because you are not doing any (74) to anyone." And the gist of his statement is staunchly supported by James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner. "If we can make better human b
A. exposed B. exhibited C. displayed D. appeared [判断题]【变电安规】带电作业应在良好天气下进行。如遇雷电(听见雷声、看见闪电)、雪、雹、雨、雾等,禁止进行带电作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]【变电安规】第二种工作票和带电作业工作票应在工作前一日预先交给工作许可人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下关于现金清点,说法正确的是 ( )
A.清点的地点,必须是门窗上锁或有遮挡、安全的房间 B.加油站每日必须在现金缴存银行(上门收款)前半小时进行现金清点 C.清点现金时,闲杂人等不得随意进入清点房间 D.清点现金时,必须逐笔核对《投币凭证》金额与实际现金是否相符 [单选题]某人或某企业的经济活动会给社会上其他人带来损害,但该人或该企业却不必为这种损害进行补偿,称为:
A.外部经济 B.外部不经济 C.不完全信息 D.规模不经济 [单选题]患者,男性,55岁。甲亢。行甲状腺大部切除术后第2天,患者出现手足抽搐。最有效的治疗是
A.应用镇静剂 B.应用解痉剂 C.静脉注射10%葡萄糖酸钙 D.静脉输入高渗葡萄糖 E.静脉滴注5%碳酸氢钠 [判断题]期货交易所应当在每一年度结束后15日内向中国证监会提交有关经营情况和有关法律、行政法规、规章、政策执行情况的年度工作报告。()
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