American suffers from an overdose of
work (51) who they are or what they do. They spend
(52) time at work than at any time since World War Ⅱ. In 1950,
the US had fewer working hours than any other (53) country.
Today, it (54) every country but Japan, where industrial
employees log 2, 155 hours a year compared (55) 1, 951 in the
US and 1, 603 (56) West employees. Between 1969 mad
1989, employed Americans (57) an average of 138 hours to
their yearly work schedules. The work-week (58) at about 40
hours, but people are working more weeks each year. (59) ,
paid time off-holidays, vacations, sick leave-- (60) 15
percent in the 1990s. As corporations have (61) stiffer competition and slower growth in productivity, they (62) employees to work longer. Cost-cutting layo A. advanced B. industrialized C. developed D. mechanized [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001—2015)第10.6.2条规定:信通公司是配有自备电源的专变客户,为保证防止客户侧反送电,在停电操作前,设备运维管理单位应提前通知该客户断开并网点的( )。
A.线路断路器 B.隔离开关 C.保护系统 D.监测系统 [单选题]【单选题】施工机具和安全工器具应( )。
A.统一编号、统一保管 B.统一编号、个人保管 C.统一编号、专人保管 D.统一编号、分别保管 [判断题]耐火度高于1500℃的耐火材料称为特级耐火材料。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]中医学的治疗原则有( )
A.调整阴阳 B.因人、因时、因地制宜 C.正治反治 D.扶正祛邪 E.标本先后 [单选题]上线列车数=( )/行车间隔(往后取整)。
A.单程运行时间 B.运行周期 C.每小时内通过同一车站列车数 D.折返时间 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Men Too May Suffer from Domestic Violence
Nearly three in 10 men have experienced violence at the hands of an intimate(亲密的)partner during their lifetimes,according to one of the few studies to look______(51)domestic violence and health among men. "Many men actually do experience domestic violence,although we don't hear about it ______(52),"Dr. Robert J. Reid of the University of Washington in Seattle,one of the authors,told Reuters Health."They often don't tell______(53)we don't ask. We want to message out(传达这样一个信息)to men who______(54)experience domestic violence that they are not alone and there are resources available to______(55)." The researchers asked study participants about physical abuse(伤害)and non-physical ______(56)such as threats that made them______(57)for their safety,controlling behavior (for example,being told who they could associate with and where they could go),and constant name-calling(辱骂). Among men 1 8 to 54 years old,14.2 percent said they had experienced intimate partner______(58)in the past five years,while 6.1 percent reported domestic violence in the previous year. Rates were lower for men 55 and______(59),with 5.3 percent reporting violence in the past five years and 2.4 percent having experienced it in the past 12 months.Overall,30.5 percent of men younger than 55 and 26.5 percent of older men said they had been victims of______(60)violence at some point in their lives.About half of the violence men______(61)was physical. However,the physical violence men reported wasn't as harsh as______(62)suffered by women in a previous study;20 percent to 40 percent of the men rated it as severe,compare to 61 percent of______(63). Men who reported experiencing domestic violence had more emotional and mental problems ______(64)those who had not,especially older men,the______(65)found. _________(59) A.younger B.junior C.senior D.older [单项选择]侧置气门式配气机构的进、排气门都()在气缸体的一侧。
A. 布置 B. 安装 C. 倒装 D. 顺装 [多项选择]下面哪些领导人参加了1945年的雅尔塔的会议?()
A. 丘吉尔 B. 蒋介石 C. 罗斯福 D. 斯大林 [单选题]成套接地线应用有透明护套的多股软铜线和专用线夹组成,且高压接地线的截面积不得小于()mm2,,低压接地线截面积不得小于()mm2。
A.25 16 B. 16 25 C. 16 16 D. 25 25 [多选题]车站受理货物运单时,对( )( )( )( )等有关内容进行审查。
A.发到站办理限制(包括临时停限装) B.起重能力 C.专用线专用铁路办理范围 D.证明文件 [填空题]据发动机产品名称和型号编制规则(GB725—65)规定,1E40F型汽油机型号含义是,1表示()、E表示()、40表示()为40mm、F表示()。
[单选题]下列与蛋的微量营养成分含量无关的因素是( )。
A.品种 B.季节 C.饲料 D.禽类的存活率 [判断题]†年3月20日起实施的《上海申通地铁集团有限公司突发公共卫生事件应急指南》中规定,Ⅲ、Ⅳ级应急响应期间,轨道交通车站公用设施设备物体表面每日消毒不少于2次。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]集中火灾报警控制器或火灾报警控制器安装在墙上时,正面操作距离不应小于( )m。
A..1.0 B.1.1 C.1.2 D.1.3 [单选题]“节俭”是指( )。
A.节俭是美德,但不利于拉动经济增长 B.节俭是物质匮乏时代的需要,不适应现代社会 C.生产的发展主要靠节俭来实现 D.节俭不仅具有道德价值,也具有经济价值 [单项选择]通过流式细胞仪进行细胞分选的主要目的是 ()
A. 对某一特征细胞进行电流分析 B. 对某一特征细胞进行培养分析 C. 对某一特征细胞进行计数分析 D. 对某一特征细胞进行免疫组化分析 E. 对某一特征细胞进行物理分析 [单选题]此时的损伤多为( )
A.扭伤 B.挫伤 C.挤压伤 D.冲击伤 E.爆震伤 [单选题]移动照明灯组选用伸缩气缸作为调节方式,可使用发电机或()供电。
A.180V交流电 B.36V C.380V工业用电 D.220V市电 [判断题]上海东滩生态城有望在2040年成为世界上碳中和区域
[单选题] 下列关于船旗国获取 LRIT 信息权限的描述正确的是_____。
A.船旗国在任何时候都有权获取其船舶的 LRIT 信息 B.只要其船舶在公海上航行时, 船旗国才有权获取其 LRIT 信息 C.只要其船舶在另一国的领海时,船旗国才有权通过国际数据交换获取其 LRIT 信息 D.只要其船舶距离另一国的领海基线不大于 1000 海里时,船旗国才有权通过国际数 据交换获取其 LRIT 信息 [多项选择]乙股份有限公司当期发生的下列交易或事项中,其现金流量变动属于筹资活动产生的现金流量的有( )。
A. 转让固定资产收到现金 B. 支付融资租入固定资产租赁费 C. 收取长期股权投资的现金股利 D. 为购建固定资产支付的借款利息资本化部分 [名词解释]绝对坐标系
[单选题]“合”标设在距邻近分相绝缘器近端( )处。
A.25m B.30m C.35m D.45m [多选题]指出,劳动是财富的源泉,也是幸福的源泉。人世间的美好梦想,只有通过诚实劳动才能实现;发展中的各种难题,只有通过诚实劳动才能破解;生命里的一切辉煌,只有通过诚实劳动才能铸就。关于劳动,下列观点正确的有( )
A.认识的内容和思维模式来源于劳动 B.劳动形成了意识产生的物质器官 C.在劳动中形成的语言是意识的物质外壳 D.劳动丰富了意识的内容,推动了意识的发展 我来回答: 提交