Thirty years ago, most teenagers had bicycles, but
now they are comparatively rare.{{U}} (56) {{/U}}, motor
scooters(小型摩托车)are much more common.{{U}} (57) {{/U}}, this may seem to
be a sign of progress but{{U}} (58) {{/U}}the change is not necessarily
for the better. It is easy to see why young people prefer scooters.{{U}} (59) {{/U}}, they are much faster and do not require much physical effort;{{U}} (60) {{/U}}, you can take a passenger with you on the pil-lion(后座)seat behind;{{U}} (61) {{/U}}, they give young people a feeling of independence, be-cau A. much B. a lot of C. rich D. more [多项选择]下列各项中,属于总会计师职责的有( )。
A. 组织编制财务收支计划 B. 拟定资金筹措方案 C. 对本单位的生产经营做出决策 D. 审批本单位的工资、奖金方案 [单选题]10kV电压互感器在高压侧装有的熔断器电流应选( )的。 ( )
A.0.5A B. 1A C. 5A D. 0.05A [判断题]施工维修日计划以外的区间内上线作业,登记站车站值班员(车务应急值守人员)在设备管理单位《行车设备检查登记簿》内登销记后,要及时向涉及的相邻车站通知登销记情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]猩红热的体征是()
A. 猩红色鸡皮样皮疹 B. 耳后及枕部臖核肿大 C. 贫血性皮肤划痕 D. 草莓舌 E. 帕氏线 [判断题]粉尘对人体有很大危害,但不会发生燃烧或爆炸。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]按半自动闭塞法、自动站间闭塞法运行的列车不准退行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在牵引变电所作业时,严禁用棉纱(或人造纤维织品、汽油、酒精等易燃物)擦拭带电部分,以防起火。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]转贴现买入和卖出过程要坚持(),确保安全保密。
A. 前、中、后台分离 B. 双人经办 C. 双人临柜 D. 风险可控 [判断题]电力线路过负荷称为不正常工作状态
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电客车的监视功能由( )完成。
A.智能显示器HMI B.车辆控制模块VCMe C.牵引控制单元DCU D.EP09G阀 [单选题]严禁( )人同在一台三通阀上进行作业。
A.5 B.4 C.3 D.2 [单项选择]肢体长时间石膏固定,最易导致的并发症是( )
A. 关节僵硬 B. 创伤性关节炎 C. 缺血性肌挛缩 D. 骨化性肌炎 [单选题]110(66) kV及上电压等级电缆接头( )、终端下部应采用刚性固定。
A.两侧端部 B.一侧端部 C.3米外本体上 D.本身 [单选题]若空压机启动时总风压力高于( )两台空压机不动作。
A.680kPa B.750kPa C.600kPa D.900kPa [填空题]Did you know that all human beings have a "comfort zone" regulating the distances they stand from someone when they talk This (36) varies in interesting ways among people of different cultures.
Greeks, others of the Eastern Mediterranean, and many of those from South America (37) stand quite close together when they talk, often moving their faces even closer as they warm up in a conversation. North Americans find this awkward and often back away a few inches. Studies have found that they tend to feel most (38) at about 21 inches apart. In much of Asia and Africa, there is even more space between two speakers in conversation. This greater space subtly lends an air of (39) and respect. This matter of space is nearly always unconscious, but it is interesting to observe. This difference applies also to the closeness with which people sit together, the extent to which they lean over one another in conversation, how they move as they [判断题]5.19.
测量运行电缆故障时,如用绝缘电阻表测得电阻很高,则证明此电缆无故障。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]矿井供电系统对电气保护装置的基本要求有( )。
A.快速性 B.选择性 C.灵敏性 D.可靠性 [判断题]配电站、开闭所、箱式变电站等的钥匙至少应有三把,一把专供紧急时使用,一把专供运维人员使用。其他可以借给经批准的高压设备巡视人员和经批准的检修、施工队伍的工作负责人使用,但应登记签名,巡视或工作结束后立即交还。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]我国特高压线路建设的三横是指()。
A. 雅安~上海 B. 陕北~潍坊 C. 靖边~连云港 D. 哈密~郑州 [多项选择]内伤发热虚证的主要病机有( )
A. 心气不足 B. 津液郁滞 C. 血虚失养 D. 阴精亏虚 我来回答: 提交